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APEC Secretariat Update
EWG52, October 2016 Moscow, Russia Penelope Howarth, Program Director Copyright © 2016 APEC Secretariat
Key APEC developments of relevance to EWG
No new Revisions to Guidebook on APEC Projects (Feb 2016) BMC discussions progress on APEC project reform APEC/EWG Starter Kit (tabled) Reminder: Completion Report Submission also mandatory Self-funded Projects Program Director video presentation to EGNRET working on EWG Project Overseer video modules
Key APEC developments of relevance to EWG
APEC Strategy for Green and Sustainable MSMEs - SMEWG to lead development for adoption in November 2017, in close coordination with all relevant APEC fora Framework for Multiyear APEC Program on Food Security and Climate Change enhancing cooperation on implementing climate friendly and resilient food systems multi-disciplinary, multi-stakeholder approach in cooperation with the APEC Climate Center (APCC)
Key APEC developments of relevance to EWG
APEC Connectivity Blueprint (GOS) – Yearly Review to SOM – Sub-pillar 6: Energy Infrastructure Development Ensure quality electricity supply for all APEC members Raise quality of electricity supply to world leading standard using average OECD figures as a benchmark. APEC Environmental Services Action Plan (CTI) Disaster Risk Reduction Action Plan (EPWG) Cross-sectoral initiative
Cross-cutting Maps Purpose of the maps Living documents
Promote awareness of multitude of work in separate APEC fora on cross-cutting issues To stimulate engagement between APEC fora to exploit synergies through stronger communication and collaboration where appropriate (eg EGNRET and PPFS) Living documents
Cross-cutting Maps
Cross-cutting Maps
Cross-cutting Maps
Cross-fora Issues Many projects in other APEC Working Groups are working on energy Project No and Title Economy APEC Fora Relevant EWG Expert Group Year Approved Best Practices Sharing and Technical Capacity Building for Measurement and Verification Standards of Energy Savings (SCSC A) China SCSC EGEEC 2016 APEC Workshop on Enhancing Policy Environment to Promote SMEs’ Participation in Energy Efficiency Products Market (SME A) Vietnam SMEWG APEC Workshop on Renewable Energy Potentials for Small and Medium Enterprises (SME A) EGNRET Capacity Building and Awareness Project on Enhancement of Total Environmental Efficiency (Energy/Carbon and Material Efficiency) through MFCA, ISO (CTI A) Japan 2015 APEC – Enhancing Aviation Connectivity and Emissions Reduction via Implementation of Performance-Based Navigation (PBN) Assistance Program (TPT A) USA TPTWG Improving MSMEs Competitiveness through Low Carbon Economy Project (PPSTI A) Philippines PPSTI Textbook Development for Energy Efficiency, Energy Security and Energy Resiliency - A Cross-Border Education Cooperation through Lesson Study ( A) Japan and Philippines HRDWG EGEEC / ERTF
Cross-fora Issues EWG’s work is increasingly relevant to other groups
Urbanisation SOM FoTC LCMT, CNSC, NZEB… Food Security (PPFS and ATCWG) New Climate Change and Food Security Initiative Examples Green farms, Solar and Agriculture, Energy-Water Nexus Emergency Preparedness (EPWG) DRR Action Plan Examples ERTF agenda, OGSI, Solar Powered Emergency Shelters SMEs (SMEWG) Biopellets Heating project Telecommunications (TELWG) Cyber-Energy Nexus AND OTHERS…
Cross-fora Issues - Discussion
WHY: Collaborating with other groups - where’s the value-add? HOW: What is already being done to collaborate with other APEC fora? SCE-COW meeting Plenary meetings (eg PPFS) Project Workshops, Experts, Reports WHAT more needs to be done? By whom?
PROJECT OVERVIEW: Amount of funding varies with each session
Fund Availability – S2 2016 Project Fund Project Session 2, 2016 (USD) General Project Account (GPA) $ 1,001,000 Trade & Investment Liberalisation and Facilitation Account (TILF) $ 809,000 APEC Support Fund (ASF) General Fund $ 1,170,000 ASF Sub-funds Human Security $ 393,000 Health & Emergency Preparedness $ 128,000 Energy Efficiency $ 2,336,000 Supply Chain Connectivity $ 1,538,000 Mining $ 317,000 Free Trade Area of the Asia-Pacific and Global Value Chains $ 622,000 Innovative Development, Economic Reform and Growth Connectivity $ 328,000 Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises $ 750,000 To Note: Figures and availability for Session will be available on the APEC website by January 2016 For the Energy Efficiency Sub- fund the balance for Session is yet to be announced 20 APEC-funded and 5 Self-funded projects approved in 2016 Amount of funding varies with each session Figures are released before the beginning of each new session Please check the APEC website for the most up-to-date information on fund availability and sub-funds: for the current session’s funds
Longer-term project evaluation Established by the APEC Budget and Management Committee as a way to learn more about the longer-term outcomes of APEC projects 24 of the 95 projects completed in 2014 to be assessed are from EWG Online survey of Project Overseers and Project Participants to be sought from hundreds of EWG stakeholders *** Please ensure that surveys are completed if you or your colleagues receive it! *** Project reform Budget and Management Committee is examining how to strengthen project focus on capacity building. By 2017, you can expect: Updates to the Guidebook on APEC Projects and project templates Possible changes to the project selection and approval process
APPROVAL PROCESS: 2017– Dates and Deadlines
Session 1, 2017: Concept notes being endorsed and scored at EWG52 in October 2016 EWG Scoring results announced at EWG ‘In principle’ funding decision to be advised in April/May 2017 Project Proposals for Concept Notes approved in Session 1 will be due after the funding decision announcement *****Please schedule project workshops bearing in mind the approvals timing IE no workshops before August 2017***** Dates with detailed explanations will be available on the APEC website in early 2017: see
APPROVAL PROCESS: How are projects approved?
EWG Expert Group/Task Force reviews and endorses Concept Notes EWG endorses and scores Concept Notes (/20) using Scoring Template APEC Secretariat assesses eligibility of Concept Notes for ASF sub-funds (if applicable) Committees score Concept Notes (/40) using Scoring Template Concept Notes matched to available funding, starting with the highest scores; BMC approved Concept Notes developed into Project Proposals Project Proposals assessed for quality by Forum and APEC Secretariat Proposals recommended to BMC (projects >US$200,000 require SOM approval) Actually a fairly complicated process, balancing many interests. This flow chart distils it down to 6 steps, so if you want more detail, please refer to Chapter 5 of the Guidebook.
CONCEPT NOTES: Key advice Follow all guidelines:
Meet the submission deadline 3-pages maximum Write clearly and succinctly for an audience of non-experts Address the eligibility criteria for the fund/ sub-fund you apply for Show how the project will build capacity At least 2 co-sponsoring economies Link project to APEC Funding Criteria Ensure project end date is by December of the following year Use most current form, found on APEC website, project link Ensure that your economy’s EWG and SCE representatives score Concept Notes, including their own economy’s
Monitoring and Completion Reports Monitoring Reports (MRs): Monitoring reports are due every 6 months on 1 February and 1 August Completion Reports (CRs): Completion reports are due within 2 months of the project’s completion Requirements: Report templates can be found at Failure to submit MRs or CRs: POs with outstanding MRs are ineligible to submit new Concept Notes or have any proposal approved until all overdue reports are submitted Any APEC forum whose project has not submitted a CR is ineligible to submit new Concept Notes or have any full proposal approved until all overdue reports are submitted
How to avoid delays, headaches and disappointment Be familiar with and follow APEC procurement rules: Guidebook Chapter 12 on Contracting Different requirements for contracts below USD 5,000; 20,000; 50,000; 50,001 and above For over USD50,001 get your proposal assessment panel together early and remember only EWG officials (or their nominated delegates) can be assessors! (Co-sponsors pls help) Use the RFP timeline and correct templates How to have a successful workshop: Give at least 2 months notice to EWG members of workshops, nomination requests Do your research and use your networks to find the right participants and speakers – don’t just rely on EWG members to find them for you Involve relevant International Experts and organisations as speakers Invite a representative(s) of other APEC working groups if relevant Work closely with Norila (EWG Program Executive) on travelers approvals and acquittals
Gender and EWG Results so far – attendance for EWG project events For projects completed Potential to include gender more substantively in technical discussions for more EWG projects, as indicated in approved project proposals. PO comment: ‘It would be useful for the APEC Secretariat to help maintain a list of experts in various fields, such as fossil fuel subsidy reform, particularly female participants, in order to help project overseers hold more gender balanced workshops.’ - For members’ discussion and resourcing (eg project/partnership?)
Gender and energy in APEC?
EMM 2015 Cebu Declaration: …the development of community- based clean energy strategies paves the way towards income generating activities that…expand participation of women …human capital development should be tempered with policies that provide incentives for retention and advancement of our workers, particularly the women, in the energy sector
Gender and energy in APEC?
EWG Strategic Plan : ‘Develop the human resource base within APEC Member Economies, including full engagement of women in green development, to improve their analytical, technical, operational and policy capacity in the area of clean energy development’ From the Implementation Schedule: EGEEC will work with PPWE (and HRDWG) to integrate gender into work to build ‘the workforce needed in the coming years to create, develop and deploy energy efficiency technology and products’ The APEC Policy Partnership on Women and the Economy (PPWE) will be utilized to address gender barriers to energy trade and investment opportunities
Integrating Gender in EWG planning
In addition to collaboration with APEC’s Policy Partnership on Women and the Economy (PPWE), EWG gender related discussions and activities could potentially be supported through engagement with international experts on gender and energy World Bank / IUCN / Energia NGOs Others??? In the case of EWG, energy access and labour market issues may be potential areas of focus, for example Mainstream sharing of reforms supporting improvements in women’s participation in energy labour markets IA: Gender Since the endorsement of the 1999 Framework for the Integration of Women into APEC, Leaders and Ministers have outlined a commitment to increasing women’s participation in APEC activities. Women are critical to the achievement of economic integration in APEC. In 2011, Leaders endorsed the San Francisco Declaration, which called for APEC members to take concrete actions to realize the full potential of women, integrate them more fully into APEC economies, and maximize their contributions towards economic growth. In 2013, APEC Leaders again acknowledged the critical role of the inclusion of women in achieving economic prosperity. In May 2014, in Beijing, China, the APEC Women and the Economy Forum issued a Joint Statement. APEC Ministers, heads of delegations, senior officials, representatives of non-governmental organizations and private sector leaders reaffirmed Leaders commitments on gender. They recognized that all APEC fora and economies would benefit from integrating gender responsive programs and policies into all economic, commercial, business, and development activities and by taking concrete actions and reforms to advance gender equality. There is a level of awareness and focus within the MTF membership on APEC gender priorities. Specific engagement and incorporation of these priorities is however not evident in MTF activities. A gender analysis of participants attending MTF meetings since 2011 (MTF6, MTF7 and MTF8) indicates there is a relatively stable percentage of women engaging directly in the MTF – averaging some 28% of women attendees, or approximately one-third of attendees. Based upon the 2011 independent assessment this would indicate a slight increase in the rate of participation since the MTF was established5*. The MTF could give further consideration to the role of women in the mining sector through sharing of member economy experiences and approaches to gender issues and through exploring the potential benefits that sustainable mining activities can provide to women in local communities. A number of members suggested the MTF direct more focus to gender in forthcoming projects and activities, including surveying the membership and considering a session focussed on the topic at the next meeting. It is recommended the group continue to raise its awareness of gender issues and encourage involvement of women in all of its activities. In doing this, it is suggested that more focus be given to incorporating APEC gender priorities into MTF projects and activities.
Gender and EWG International Resources Available G-REEN Platform: For further information and access to gender and energy resources and experts please contact Penelope Howarth,
PROJECT RESOURCES: Further assistance
Further assistance on projects can be found: In the Guidebook on APEC Projects and Proposal Development Materials: On the APEC Project Database public site: Through the APEC Secretariat, via the EWG Program Director and Program Executive: Program Director: Penelope Howarth Program Executive: Norila Mohd Ali Stay tuned for exciting new developments (video modules) to support EWG POs… In most circumstances, it is best if you work through your fora’s Program Director. They will coordinate support from the Secretariat.
Feedback and discussion welcome…
Thank you! Feedback and discussion welcome… In most circumstances, it is best if you work through your fora’s Program Director. They will coordinate support from the Secretariat.
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