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Student Name Language Arts 5th Hour

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1 Student Name Language Arts 5th Hour
Novel Presentation Student Name Language Arts 5th Hour

2 Red Queen by Victoria Aveyar Genre: Fantasy

3 Main Characters Mare: Mare is a Red. She is 17 years old. She comes from a poor family. She has 3 brothers and 1 sister. She is brave, a pickpocket, and she is a rebel. Mare is a round character because we know a lot about her. She is also dynamic because in the beginning of the story she is Gisa: Gisa is Mare’s younger sister. She is 14 years old. She is a very good seamstress.

4 Setting This story takes place in a dystopian society. A dystopian society is a place where people are depressed, and one group is considered a higher class than the other. In this story the Silvers are considered the high class and they are in charge of the Reds. They control everything. The Reds are their servants. Mare lives in an imaginary village called The Stilts. This village is very poor and they do not get much electricity. Another setting of the story is the capital city of Archeon bla bla bla bla bla………………………………… A third setting is the city of Summerton. This is where the royal family resides during the Summer. It is a beautiful and magnificent place made of diamonds ;…………………………………….

5 Conflict The conflict in this story is that Reds and Silvers are not treated equally. The Reds are the servants and are very poor. The Silvers are very wealthy and they have complete control over the Reds. Mare is captured by the Silvers when they find out she has a special power. She is forced to……. Conflict Type: Man v. Society This story is the conflict type “Man v. Society” because Mare goes against the Silvers and their way of life.

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