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Introducing the newest program USMA has to offer.…..

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1 Introducing the newest program USMA has to offer.…..
Space and Missile Defense (SMD) Program Space Science Major Space Science Minor Reasons to study Space Science at USMA… Space exploration is exciting… The universe has peaked curiosity throughout human history… Space is fascinating… Satellites, Planets, Stars, Spacecraft, Rockets, Missiles, Lasers….. All the (right) stuff you’ve dreamed of…. Don’t just dream it….LIVE it!!! Missile Defense is relevant… Space is competitive, congested, and contested… Space is dangerous… Space is the final frontier and the ultimate high ground!

2 Space Science Our modern lives have increasingly benefitted from the knowledge of the space environment, utilization of satellites and spacecraft, and application of space-based technologies in the 21st century. Space Science is the science of the space environment as well as the science behind the technology of spacecraft, satellites, and space exploration. Some of those technologies and systems that society has benefitted from include: space weather and terrestrial weather forecasting satellites; position, navigation, and timing (PNT) enabled devices such as GPS; satellite communications; missile defense systems; and remote sensing systems used to observe our planet, our heliosphere, and beyond our solar system. Through the understanding of the aforementioned technologies and systems, space scientists develop and assemble a myriad of technical devices that are so much a part of a modern space-enabled profession. The program in Space Science integrates all these facets of space-enabled technology to develop a fundamental knowledge that can support a variety of technical interests and activities in future years. The major is designed to provide the cadet a solid foundation in orbital mechanics, the space environment, attitude determination and control, satellites communications, space structures, astronomy, astrophysics, space physics, remote sensing, and rocket propulsion. Opportunities are available to perform research at DoD and other laboratories that conduct space and missile defense related research during the summer.

3 Space Science Space Science Student Learning Outcomes
1. Cadets can apply mathematical and scientific knowledge to identify, formulate, and solve Space Science problems. 2. Cadets can conduct experiments, apply the scientific method, as well as analyze and interpret data. 3. Cadets can function on multidisciplinary teams to effectively formulate, state, describe, summarize, and communicate contemporary space issues, National Strategic Space Policy and associated technology; analyze and examine the professional and ethical aspects of the aforementioned. 4. Cadets can describe and summarize the technology of a system, component, or process to meet desired needs within realistic constraints such as economic, environmental, social, political, ethical, health and safety, manufacturability, and sustainability. 5. Cadets can recognize the need for, and an ability to engage in life-long learning; explain relevant, contemporary issues and concepts needed as a space-enabled professional.

4 Space Science Major (SSC0) 8-Term Academic Plan (8TAP)
Space and Astronautics Major Notional 8TAP Space Science Major (SSC0) 8-Term Academic Plan (8TAP) 4th Class Yr 3rd Class Yr 2nd Class Yr 1st Class Yr Fall Spring CH101 CHEMISTRY PH205 PHYSICS 1 PH206 PHYSICS 2 SS202 POL. SCIENCE PL300 MILITARY LEADERSHIP SS307 INT’L. RELATIONS PH456 SCIENCE & POLICY LW403 LAW EN101 ENGLISH EN102 SS201 ECON. PY201 PHILOSOPHY 3 COURSE ENGINEERING SEQUENCE MX400 OFFICER-SHIP MA103 INTRO TO CALCULUS MA104 CALCULUS 1 MA205 CALCULUS 2 MA364 ENGINEER MATH PH ELECTIVE PH365 or PH381 PH384 OPTICS PH485 LASERS EV478 MIL. GEOSPATIAL OPERATIONS HI10_ US HISTORY REGIONAL HISTORY L_203 LANGUAGE L_204 PH382 ELECTRO-DYNAMICS EE301 ELEC. ENG. HI302 MILITARY ART EV377 REMOTE SENSING IT105 INFO. TECH. PL100 PSYCH. MA206 PROB & STAT EV203 GEOGRAPHY SP471 ASTRO-NAUTICS SP472 SPACE PHYSICS SP473 ASTRO-NOMY SP474 ASTRO-PHYSICS SA473 is Introduction to Astronautics Legend shows the color coding for “threads” of classes that correspond to areas of SMDC interest. Courses that have multiple colors correspond to multiple areas of interest. Specifically, the 3 course engineering sequence can correspond to cyber operations or missile defense depending on which sequence the Cadet chooses. Some of those choices are: Cyber Engineering, Electrical Engineering, Nuclear Engineering, or Mechanical Engineering. The electrodynamics class supports knowledge or development in directed energy, missile defense, and astronautics. The cyber operations elective or the thermodynamic elective will support knowledge or development in cyber operations or astronautics respectively. Legend (Space and Missile Defense areas of interest): Space Science Directed Energy Missile Defense Cyber Operations Policy Development

5 Space Science Minor – Inherently, Extremely Integrative
Cadets from a large number of majors learn about space-related topics and how those topics align with their respective major. Cadets become the multi-domain leaders of tomorrow; leveraging knowledge of the space environment, space capabilities, and space threats into the planning of all domains of battle (land, air, sea, cyber, and space). SP473: Astronomy 3 space-related courses (SP471, SP472, and SP473) AND 2 electives within almost any major! Class 2020 15 CDTs in minor 3 Physics 2 Mechanical Engineering 2 Nuclear Engineering 2 Economics 1 Computer Science 1 Systems Engineering 1 Civil Engineering 1 International Relations 1 Electrical Engineering 1 Life Science SP471: Astronautics SP472: Space Physics

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