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Presentation on theme: "Mutations."— Presentation transcript:

1 Mutations

2 What Are Mutations? Changes in the nucleotide sequence of DNA
May occur in somatic cells (aren’t passed to offspring) May occur in gametes (eggs & sperm) and be passed to offspring

3 Are Mutations Helpful or Harmful?
Some mutations may improve an organism’s survival (beneficial)

4 Types of Mutations

5 Gene Mutations Change in the nucleotide sequence of a gene
May only involve a single nucleotide May be due to copying errors, chemicals, viruses, etc.

6 Types of Gene Mutations
Include: Point Mutations Substitutions Insertions Deletions Frameshift

7 Point Mutation Change of a single nucleotide
Includes the deletion, insertion, or substitution of ONE nucleotide in a gene

8 Point Mutation Original: THE FAT CAT ATE THE RAT Mutation:
Substitution - Insertion - Deletion -

9 Frameshift Mutation Inserting or deleting one or more nucleotides – a specific type of point mutation that can change the created protein. Changes the “reading frame” like changing a sentence Proteins built incorrectly

10 Original: Mutation: Frameshift Mutation Frameshift -
THE FAT CAT ATE THE RAT Mutation: Frameshift -

11 Amino Acid Sequence Changed

12 Chromosome Mutations May Involve:
Changing the structure of the chromosome of a chromosome loss or gain of part of the chromosome of part of a chromosome

13 Chromosome Mutations Several types exist: Deletion Inversion

14 Deletion Due to breakage A piece of a chromosome is lost

15 Inversion Chromosome segment breaks off Segment flips around backwards Segment reattaches

16 Duplication Occurs when a gene sequence is repeated

17 FYI

18 Normal Male 2n = 46

19 Normal Female 2n = 46

20 Male, Trisomy 21 (Down’s) 2n = 47

21 Female Down’s Syndrome

22 Klinefelter’s Syndrome

23 Turner’s Syndrome 2n = 45

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