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Jump Over ASLR: Attacking Branch Predictors to Bypass ASLR

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1 Jump Over ASLR: Attacking Branch Predictors to Bypass ASLR
Dmitry Evtyushkin*, Dmitry Ponomarev*, Nael Abu-Ghazaleh§, * The 49th Annual IEEE/ACM International Symposium on Microarchitecture October 18, 2016 Taipei, Taiwan

2 Buffer Overflow & Code Injection
Data Stack: str2 [ret address] str1 = &(str2) Stack frame for vulnerable() vulnerable.c vulnerable(char*str1) { char str2[100]; strcpy(str2, str1); return; } Protection: W^X, NX-bit, etc. – Mark pages either writable or executable – But not both

3 Reuse Instead of Injecting Code
Key Idea: Reuse executable or library code instead of code injection Programs use standard libraries, e.g. glibc Attacker can return to functions in libraries e.g. system() Programs have huge code base with versatile code Attacker can combine this code into desired code Bypass NX protection

4 Code Reuse Attacks (CRA)
Attacker Code: Data Stack: xor ecx,ecx; mul ecx; lea ebx,[esp+8]; mov al, 11; int 0x80; ret; A B C D E Stack Pointer Code Pages: A B B D C E D E C A

5 How to Protect from Code Reuse?
Address Space Layout Randomization (ASLR) Randomize position of important structures including code segment and libraries ASLR can be applied to both User space and Kernel space Implemented on all modern Operating Systems Bypass Return-to-libc, Return-Oriented Programming and Jump-Oriented programming (JOP) attacks

6 How ASLR Works Where are my gadgets? ret; xor ecx,ecx; A mul ecx;
Attacker Code: Data Stack: xor ecx,ecx; mul ecx; lea ebx,[esp+8]; mov al, 11; int 0x80; ret; A B C D E Stack Pointer Code Pages: A B B D C E D E C A

7 Kernel ASLR Similar attack applies to OS Kernel
The attacker can make the kernel to jump to arbitrary address The attacker needs to know kernel code layout

8 Bypassing ASLR The attacker can rely on other attacks to bypass ASLR:
Memory disclosure attacks to leak pointers e.g. Dangling Pointer Use side channels to find out code layout e.g. Shared cache or Branch predictor

9 Overview of Jump-over-ASLR Attack
Use Branch Target Buffer (BTB) to recover random address bits Two scenarios: One user space process attacking another User process attacking Kernel ASLR Attack capabilities: Recover all random bits in Linux Kernel and KVM* Recover part of random bits in User Process making brute force attack much faster *

10 Attack principals (User-Level)
Victim Spy BTB Address tag Target A: jmp A: jmp A B B: B: C: Observation: MISPREDICTION Observation: HIT

11 Latencies Observed by the Spy
Percentage Latency (in cycles)

12 Looking for BTB Collisions
Victim Spy Observations: jmp 86ms *no contention* 87ms *no contention* 100ms 89ms *no contention* *COLLISION DETECTED* jmp

13 Latencies Observed by the Spy

14 Limitations Not all address bits are used for BTB addressing
This makes possible collisions in higher and lower halves of address space

15 Attack Principals (OS/VMM-Level)
OS Space Attack Principals (OS/VMM-Level) BTB A: jmp 0xffffa9fe8756 9fe8756 Address tag Target User Space B: B: jmp A: C: 0x0000a9fe8756 9fe8756 Collision: match address tag, not target

16 KASLR in Linux Result: full KASLR bits recovery in about 60 ms

17 Latencies Observed by the Spy

18 Attack Conclusion Partial recovery bits in User-Level programs due to BTB addressing scheme Full fast recovery KASLR bits in Linux kernel and KVM New side channel attack makes current ASLR schemes insecure

19 Proposed Mitigation Techniques
Software Mitigations Randomize more KASLR bits requires reorganization of kernel memory space Fine-grained ASLR: randomize at function, block, instruction level Performance implications Requires recompilation Hardware Mitigations KASLR: prevent user and kernel space collisions User-Level: make unique BTB mappings for each process

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