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Entity Component System

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1 Entity Component System

2 Composition over inheritance
An alternative to OOP inheritance e.g. the Component structure of Unity Avoids Java-like inheritance trees e.g. Doom 3 (from “One Weird Trick to write better code” idClass idEntity idAnimatedEntity idWeapon idAFEntity_Base idAFEntity_ClawFourFingers idAFEntity_Vehicle idAFEntity_VehicleFourWheels idAFEntity_VehicleSixWheels idAFEntity_Gibbable idAFEntity_WithAttachedHead idActor idPlayer idAI Why is this bad (not everyone would think it’s bad…)? See for more...

3 In ssuge We’ll have a GameObject class
Contain a transform (SceneNode) Can be parented (again, SceneNode) Other info (e.g. tag, resource group, etc.) We’ll have a base Component class An abstract class – meant only to be a base We’ll derive multiple types of Components from it MeshComponent GUIElementComponent ParticleEmitterComponent When setting up our scene, we can “snap-in” a component to add functionality to a GameObject

4 C++ Polymorphism What is the output? class Yarg { public:
void func() { cout << “Yarg” << endl; } }; class Tango : public Yarg { public: void func() override { cout << “Tango” << endl; } }; optional, but nice (like annotation in Java) Yarg * y = new Yarg(); Tango * t = new Tango(); y->func(); t->func(); delete y; y = t; // Valid b/c of POLYMORPHISM

5 A fix… You can make a method virtual: Syntax: Now it’ll work “better”
Makes the compiler wait until run-time to determine the method to call. Adds a virtual function table to the object (a little overhead) Syntax: Now it’ll work “better” class Yarg { public: virtual void func() { cout << “Yarg” << endl; } };

6 Pure virtual You can choose to not implement a method in the base class …and force the child class to define it. A little like Java interface classes The base class is now abstract We can’t make instances of it. We can, however, use polymorphic pointers of the base type Syntax: class Yarg { public: virtual void func() { cout << “Yarg” << endl; } = 0; };

7 Why? In our ECS, I want to have a collection of Component pointers
But…they’re not actually pointing to Components …instead they’re pointing to MeshComponents, etc. Design Decision What kind of collection: array (fixed size or not?), map, vector? Duplicate component types? A createXYZ method in GameObject vs. an addComponent(Component*) method.

8 Factories Another common design pattern
Used to create instances of another class In C++ Could be a separate class (e.g. MeshComponentFactory – probably a Singleton) a static method (e.g. in the MeshComponent class) Advantages: Can optimize memory allocations [side-topic]: memory fragmentation and new operator Isolates code to create instances of that class to one spot (for us) could update all components “in parallel”

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