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Using the Excel Creation Template to Create a Variable Parameter Problem (Macro Enabled “Alpha 1.4.2”) Getting started – Example 1 Note – You should be.

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Presentation on theme: "Using the Excel Creation Template to Create a Variable Parameter Problem (Macro Enabled “Alpha 1.4.2”) Getting started – Example 1 Note – You should be."— Presentation transcript:

1 Using the Excel Creation Template to Create a Variable Parameter Problem (Macro Enabled “Alpha 1.4.2”) Getting started – Example 1 Note – You should be using at least Excel 2013 or later

2 What is a Variable Parameter Problem?
The template and associated macros are to assist you in creating variable parameter problems (VPP). So what is a variable parameter problem and why would I want to create one? What is a Variable Parameter Problem? The variable parameter problem is a numerical problem that have parameters (usually numerical values) in the problem statement that are different for every student. The following is a simple example

3 The values of X and Y are different for each student
One Student May See: The values of X and Y are different for each student While Another Student Could See:

4 Why Would You Want to Create a VPP?
Each Student has basically the same problem, so they can discuss with each other about how to solve the problem but the actual answer will be different for each student. So the goal is to maintain the collaborative relationships among students, while attempting to ensure some level of proficiency by all

5 There will be other tutorials that answer:
How to Implement these Problems? and What are the instructive options available? This presentations is concerned with the How of making the problems using the Template so Lets Get Started!

6 Overview of the Creation Process
1) Write a problem – a good problem for this process will: Have multiple parts – preferably that build on one another Most parts will have numerical answer 2) Download the Template The latest template will be on 3) Open the Template and follow the Directions Fill in the dark yellow boxes Run the macros The steps are marked

7 The following flow chart illustrates the sequence of steps and the files that are created


9 The first step is to come up with a problem with a fixed set of parameters – this will be known as the Base Case. For this tutorial we will be use the example shown below: The values shown in highlight will be different for all students: Given x = 2.0 and y = Calculate: a) x+y b) x·y c) x² + y Open the “Alpha 1.4.2” Template – available on “”


11 When you download the file it will be available on your computer
When you download the file it will be available on your computer. If you open up file explorer on your computer you should have the following file:

12 Upon “Extraction” you should get the following dialog box:

13 Upon opening the file you may get some warnings that the file contains macros,
GO ahead and enable the macros After doing this the file should look like the following:

14 It should open to the “info” sheet and fill in the cells in the darker yellow box – many cells include a pull down menu of standard options.

15 After you change the information your box should look like the figure shown below (replace my name, school and with yours) Then click the big red arrow. It may take a few seconds after you click the red arrow to respond – that is normal.

16 The creation process generates several files so it’s usually easier to keep track of them if they are all in one folder


18 Click the Save button – Now this saves the Create File – You are no longer using the Template. You should also be Automatically advanced to the next worksheet, “Create VPP” shown below:

19 V_Step 1 Type the Question Statement in the yellow box – Use alt enter to get a new line – Expanding formula bar helps 1-2) replace the parameters that you want to change with variable names enclosed in “{}” 3 ) Use Alt Enter to put in new lines in the problem statement 4 ) Put at least one space before the problem part designator 5) Subscripts or superscripts are included as special symbols with (insert  symbol) Make sure you ask for particular units in your question statement if need be

20 V_step 2 - Press Function 9 (F9) or (Formulas calculate sheet) – this will create the variables in your spreadsheet. Then move the display screen so you are seeing V_Step 3 (Cell AL7) as shown below:

21 V_Step 3 Put in the base case values and the range for the variables

22 V_Step 3 (cont.) Run the Ctrl Shift T (Click on the Red Arrow) macro to save the file and create a Table.

23 V_Step 4 (Cell BH13)– Solve the problem

24 V_Step 5 (Cell AF13) – Make the problem parts refer to the correct part of your solution. Just type a formula in row 1 that refers to where you solved part a) then b)…

25 V_Step 6 – Do a final check and Save.
a) Hit F9 a few times and make sure problem as shown in the preview box is behaving like you think it should b) Check the Base case answer to make sure it agrees with the documented solution c) Scan the solution columns to make sure they agree with your expectation d) Read the problem statement carefully and make sure it is free of typos and ambiguities

26 V_Step 7 (Cell AF15) Run the Ctrl Shift W Macro – (click on the red arrow) This macro will do a final save on the “Create” file then the dialog box shown below appears. If no other Excel files are open click Yes other wise exit the Macro by clicking no and close the other open files and re-run the macro

27 The macro then asks you where you want to save a PDF file, a PRN file, and a CSV file – Just save them all to the directory you created earlier. The macro then asks if you would like to accept the defaults Click Yes

28 The macro will then save the final version of the “create” file and prompt you for a place to save the “setup”file. Go ahead and save this file with the others in the folder (aka directory) you created earlier.

29 The Macro then deletes the sheets that are not needed and resaves the setup file and creates the locked down file that the students would see – this is a macro free version. Save that file to a directory you created earlier Important

30 Excel warns you that it is about to strip out the macros. Select yes

31 You should see something like this
F9 x3

32 Congratulations If all went well you have created all the files needed for a variable parameter problem. If you need to correct the solution go to the “create” file. If you want to change how the student sees the problem go to the “set-up” file. The other files are auxiliary files

33 Close the file but do not save over the file

34 A couple things to remember
Save early and often It’s Excel so you have all of the functions that Excel has to solve the problem I consider this as an early to mid alpha version of the template – stay tuned Please give me feedback on the Template – particularly things that would be useful to change at

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