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Early African Peoples Nomadic Lifestyle: Hunter-gatherers who traveled in small bands of related families. Agriculture: Began by 6000 B.C. which changed.

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Presentation on theme: "Early African Peoples Nomadic Lifestyle: Hunter-gatherers who traveled in small bands of related families. Agriculture: Began by 6000 B.C. which changed."— Presentation transcript:

1 Early African Peoples Nomadic Lifestyle: Hunter-gatherers who traveled in small bands of related families. Agriculture: Began by 6000 B.C. which changed the way Africans lived. Savannas - grain (best farmland) Rain Forest - root crops such as yams. Animism: Belief in spirits in living and non-living things (even take the form of the souls of ancestors) Griots: Professional storyteller in early West Africa (oral historian)

2 Bantu People Location: West Africa (modern Nigeria)
Lifestyle: Farmers and nomadic herders Farming: slash and burn Iron Making: iron weapons enable their spread, spread iron metallurgy throughout most of Sub-Saharan Africa.

3 Bantu Migration Push-Pull Factors: Factors which push people out of an area or pull them into an area. (factors include environmental, economic, and political) Causes of migration: Increased food production, increased population density, and lack of sufficient land Effects of migration: Other peoples pushed out, territorial wars, ideas and languages exchanged, and ethnic groups intermingled

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