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Need Journal! Please have your journal & pencil ready at the bell

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Presentation on theme: "Need Journal! Please have your journal & pencil ready at the bell"— Presentation transcript:

1 Need Journal! Please have your journal & pencil ready at the bell
I am writing tardy slips 

2 How does the cell membrane help a cell maintain homeostasis?
MS-LS1-2. Develop and use a model to describe the function of a cell as a whole and ways parts of cells contribute to the function. Emphasis is on the cell functioning as a whole system and the primary role of identified parts of the cell, specifically the nucleus, chloroplasts, mitochondria, cell membrane, and cell wall. These are visible with a light microscope.

3 Air freshener demo Experience it
Sketch, label, and describe what happened Air freshener = small molecules (ex. oxygen=O2)

4 Diffusion Definition Example

5 Sponge & water demo Experience it: Plus, an awesome real world application: Extension: Sponge City - Berlin

6 Osmosis Definition Example

7 Compare: Diffusion Osmosis Find 3 differences

8 Diffusion Osmosis High to Low concentration Compare: Three Differences
1. Membrane/Wall 2. Type of molecule 3. Number in [low] One major similarity: ??? High to Low concentration

9 Homeostasis Lab: Create Setup & Data Table

10 Homeostasis Lab: Create Setup & Data Table

11 Homeostasis Lab:. each gummy bear is an animal cell
Homeostasis Lab: each gummy bear is an animal cell what surrounds each animal cell? Freshwater Saltwater Control???

12 Experimental setup (what can we use for a control treatment?)
1: grab 3 different color Gummy Bears from Sapnas 2: record color/treatment, mass, width, height, etc. 3: grab 3 cups, fill TWO CUPS with water (1/2 full) 4: add salt to ONE CUP of water (3-4 spoons & stir) LAST STEP!!! Put one Gummy Bear in each cup. Place on cart for observations tomorrow.

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