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Partnership Forum 2017 Partner Institution Survey 2016 :

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1 Partnership Forum 2017 Partner Institution Survey 2016 :
Trends and Key Areas for Improvement Malcolm Dixon

2 Background Surveys all students studying a Kent award at Validated Institutions and Partner Colleges. Third year Survey has run – started in 2014 with a pilot and was extended in 2016 to include Partner Colleges. Runs between beginning of May and the end of July each year.

3 Response Rate % 2015 – 45% 2016 – 43% Anything partner institutions can do to encourage a higher response rate would be greatly appreciated – some institutions their students to encourage responses.

4 2016 – 76% (a 3% decrease in satisfaction since 2015) 2015 – 79%
Overall Satisfaction 2016 – 76% (a 3% decrease in satisfaction since 2015) 2015 – 79%

5 Overall Theme Level Areas of Highest Satisfaction across All Partners
Quality of Teaching and Learning (81%) Overall, I am satisfied with the quality of the course (76%) Academic Support (75%) Personal Development (74%)

6 Overall Question Level Area of Highest Satisfaction across All Partners
The course is sufficiently practical (93%) I have been made aware that my award is made by the University of Kent (93%) Staff are enthusiastic about what they are teaching (82%) I feel part of a group of students committed to learning (81%) I have been able to contact staff when I needed to (81%) Staff are good at explaining things (81%)

7 Questions with the largest improvements in satisfaction from 2015 across All Partners
Good advice is available for making career choices (63%, an improvement of 3% on last year) Good advice is available on further study opportunities (62%, an improvement of 2% on last year) Within my course, I feel my suggestions and ideas are valued (68%, an improvement of 1% on last year) I feel part of a group of students committed to learning (81%, an improvement of 1% on last year) My communication skills have improved (75%, an improvement of 1% on last year)

8 Overall Theme Level Areas of Lowest Satisfaction across All Partners
Feedback from Students (60%) How Students Feedback is collected and used – closing the loop! University of Kent Information (61%) Awareness that their Award is made by Kent, access to Kent complaints and appeals processes, how their awards are classified and how to contact Kent. Assessment and Feedback (65%) Awareness of Marking Criteria, Assessment arrangements and Marking, the promptness of feedback, the level of detail in feedback comments. Course Organisation and Management (67%) Timetables, changes in courses and how these are communicated, general organisation.

9 Overall Question Level Areas of Lowest Satisfaction across All Partners
I have been made aware of the types of complaints that can be made to the University of Kent (46%) I have been made aware that appeals should be made to the University of Kent (47%) It is clear to me how students' comments on the course have been acted upon. (52%) I have been made aware of how to contact the University of Kent (56%) The library resources and services at the University of Kent are good enough for my needs (58%)

10 Overall Questions with the Largest Drops in Satisfaction from 2015 across All Partners
Staff are good at explaining things (81%, a decrease of -9%) Any changes in the course or teaching have been communicated effectively (64%, a decrease of -6%) Staff are enthusiastic about what they are teaching (82%, a decrease of -5%) The course is intellectually stimulating (75%, a decrease of -5%) The criteria used in marking have been made clear in advance (67%, a decrease of -5%)

11 Actions for the University
Since the survey, we have improved the Kent information given to students at the start of their studies: Amended the Welcome Letter which is sent to Validated Students at the beginning of their studies to better identify and signpost specific information about the Classification of awards, and the Kent appeals and complaints processes they are entitled to use. Provided a Kent contact to students for queries regarding regulatory matters, appeals and complaints within the Welcome Letter. We also propose to re-send the letter to students at the beginning of each academic year, rather than just once at the beginning of their studies.

12 Actions for Partners Every institution responded to their individual institution’s Survey outcomes with comments and proposed actions. We have drawn out those actions proposed by partners which we believe are of universal benefit and which we endorse, to share with you so you can consider adopting at your institution.

13 Generally - take the areas of lowest satisfaction at theme and question level to your Staff Student Liaison Committees to discuss further with students and find resolutions in consultation. Kent Information Hold a specific induction event providing students details of the University of Kent Complaints and Appeals processes they are entitled to use, the Credit Framework and the Classification of awards, and (Validated students only) explain that there is no access to Kent resources to manage expectations. Send a reminder to students at the beginning of each academic year and at a mid-year point reminding them of the above. Place posters on student boards to provide signposting to this information.

14 Assessment and Feedback
Hold Assessment and Feedback Workshops for all markers to encourage consistency of approach. Explain the Marking/Assessment Criteria to students at the start of their programmes in an induction event. Extract the Marking/Assessment Criteria for Assignments from the Handbooks and provide to students separately at the start of the programme and again before any assessment points. Ensure Teachers make reference to the Criteria at the start of each Module. Mid-Term Feedback sessions between students and discipline teachers. Learning Resources For those Institutions who do not have a central physical library – ensure students are aware at the start of the programme and repeatedly throughout their studies of the physical libraries they can access and the e-resources available to them i.e. journals, e-books.

15 Feedback from Students
Ensure students are aware of the actions you have taken as a result of their feedback “You said, we Did” i.e. termly meetings between the Institution’s management team and the students to inform students of the actions taken, posters around the institution, updates to students. Changes to Courses Ensure all significant amendments to the structure or delivery of modules/programmes are approved through the Institution’s committee structure with student input and a timetable for review. Ensure the process engaged and the resulting changes are communicated widely with the student body.

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