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The Epistle to the Hebrews

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1 The Epistle to the Hebrews
Lesson 17 Draw Near, Hold Fast and Endure! Hebrews 10:19-39

2 Let Us Draw Near Hebrews 10:19-22
“Therefore” recalls the preceding discussion: The blood of Jesus consecrates the way into the Holiest (10:19-20; cf. chapter 9) Our great High Priest enters the presence of God (10:21; 4:14-16; 7:24-26; 9:11, 24) He is Priest over God’s house (3:6) THEREFORE we may draw near to God with complete assurance, with a conscience perfectly cleared by the provisions of Christ’s blood (10:22; 9:14) We may approach boldly (4:16)

3 Let Us Hold Fast Hebrews 10:23-25
We can hold fast to our hope without wavering because “He who promised is faithful.” (10:23) Mutual encouragement helps us hold fast (10:24-25). So, “let us…” Consider one another (Rom. 12:10, 15-16; 15:2) Stir up love and good works (Galatians 5:13-14) Keep assembling and exhorting. “Forsaking” involves choosing to abandon. A key component is the intention of the heart. “Assembling” would be even more important as they saw “the day” approaching. This day might be the destruction of Jerusalem (Matt. 24:15-16, 32-34) or the day of final judgment (10:26-31; Acts 17:31; 2 Peter 3:10-12)

4 Let Us Not Draw Back to Perdition Hebrews 10:26-39
Consider the consequences of sinning willfully after learning the truth (10:26-31) Cuts us off from the only effective sin sacrifice. Leaves one with a fearful dread of judgment The punishment inflicted on those who broke Moses’ Law was justly severe (10:28; Deut. 17:6-7) An even more severe punishment is due to those who violate the new covenant (10:29; 2:2-3) They trample the Son of God underfoot They count the blood of the covenant as common They insult the Spirit of grace God’s vengeance is sure and terrifying (10:30-31; Jude 5-7; Joel 2:11; Matthew 10:28)

5 Let Us Not Draw Back to Perdition Hebrews 10:26-39
Consider the price you have already paid (10:32-34) Recall the great struggle you endured when you first came to the light (cf. 6:4; Acts 26:18) You became a spectacle by both reproaches and tribulation (Acts 8:3; 12:1-3; 28:22) You chose to associate with others who were also being mistreated; you had compassion on an inspired writer (Matthew 10:41-42) You joyfully accepted the plundering of your goods (Matthew 5:10-12; cf. Acts 4:32)

6 Let Us Not Draw Back to Perdition Hebrews 10:26-39
Consider your Reward (10:34b-39) You have a better and enduring possession in heaven (Matt. 6:19-21; 19:21; 1 Peter 1:4) Faithful endurance receives a “great reward” (Romans 5:3-5; James 1:12; Rev. 2:10) The finish will be here in just “a little while” The just will live by faith (Habbakuk 2:4) Those who draw back will not please God The writer is confident that the Hebrew Christians would not draw back; they would continue to believe and be saved!

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