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Battle of the Somme 1.July – 19.November 1916

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1 Battle of the Somme 1.July – 19.November 1916
France and Britain against Germany on the Western Front Largest battle of WWI General Sir Douglas Haig First battle to use Tanks 1

2 The Plan British artillery will bombard the German trenches Then shift to a “creeping barrage” strategy Creeping Barrage – the artillery slowly increases distance to keep pace with the infantry The infantry walk across No Man's Land and take the German side 2

3 Reality Britain = 420,000 France = 195,000
Battle began with a week of bombarding Allied forces rushed to cross No Man's Land German troops survived in massive dug-outs and began mowing down Allied troops with machine guns British casualties = 57,000; 20,000 dead (just on the first day!) Total casualties: Britain = 420,000 France = 195,000 Germany = 650,000 in counter-attacks British gained about 7 miles at the deepest point 3

4 4

5 5

6 Battle of Jutland

7 German Destroyer

8 British ship firing a broad-side

9 Losses at the Battle of Jutland

10 WWI U-boat

11 Submarine Warfare

12 “Dazzle”

13 Thought it would confuse enemy subs…

14 U-Boats violated the “Rules of War”
1917, Germany declared “unrestricted submarine warfare” – it would sink any ship going to Britain (even neutral ships!)

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