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Final Exam Details Justin Marlowe

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1 Final Exam Details Justin Marlowe
PBAF 522 – Public Financial Management and Budgeting Autumn 2015

2 Logistics Final exams will take place Tuesday, December 15 in Parrington 108 You’ll have 110 minutes (A Section: 8:30-10:20am; B Section: 2:30-4:20pm) You may bring to the exam 1 page of notes, double-sided if necessary; no restrictions on what you may include You do not need to bring a blue book or other paper Financial statements for Children’s Center, Inc. and the City of Redmond, WA will be available on Canvas by 7pm on Wednesday, December 9 Do not bring copies of the financial statements for Children’s Center, Inc. and the City of Redmond, WA; we will provide you copies; please do not mark up these statements

3 Logistics We will also provide blank pieces of paper for you to make additional notes during the exam You may bring a calculator; we will also provide calculators You will turn in: 1) your completed exam; 2) your page of notes; 3) notes you make during the exam; 4) the financial statements Autumn 2014 Final Exam is available on Canvas; this exam references the “Safehouse” and the “City of Brewer”; we will not provide those financial statements; focus instead on the content and focus of the questions You may study in groups, but be sure to do your own work We will maintain a Q&A on Canvas; questions received by 11pm on Friday, December 11 will be answered on Canvas by noon on Saturday, December 12

4 Exam Content Basic format is 6-8 essay questions; roughly points each Will include: Transactions, similar to Midterm #2 Questions about the Children’s Center’s overall financial condition Questions about the City of Redmond’s solvency Questions about material from Lessons 1-4 identified on the final exam study guide Exam will NOT include: Break-even analysis Financial statement analysis for hybrid organizations T accounts Modified accrual transactions

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