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Hard Problems Introduction to NP

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1 Hard Problems Introduction to NP
Lecture 22 Hard Problems Introduction to NP

2 Key Words Decision problem Optimization problem
Non-deterministic algorithm NP-hard problem NP-complete problem Intractable problems Inherently difficult problems

3 Traveling Salesman Problem
Given: weighted complete graph G=(V,E,W) Tour: visits all vertices exactly once Cost of the tour: sum of weights of traversed edges Optimization Problem: Find Optimal (Min Cost) Tour Decision Problem: given a value w. Is there a tour of weight < w?

4 0-1 Knapsack Problem Given: n items weighting w1, w2, …, wn lbs
valued at p1, p2, …, pn $’s a knapsack of capacity W Optimization Problem: Find maximum total of profit of items that can be placed in the knapsack Decision Problem: Given also a profit P Find if there is a set of items of total weight <W with profit >P


6 Graph Coloring Problem
Given: a graph G=(V,E) Coloring of G: coloring of vertices so that adjacent vertices get different colors Optimization Problem: Find a coloring of G with minimum number of colors Decision Problem: given a number k of colors. Is there a coloring with < k colors?

7 Clique Problem Given: a graph G=(V,E) Clique: complete subgraph
Optimization Problem: Find the largest clique Decision Problem: given a number k. Is there a clique of size >= k colors?

8 Hamilton Cycle Problem
Given: a graph G=(V,E) Hamilton Cycle: a cycle visiting every vertex exactly once (without repetitions) Decision Problem: Is there a Hamilton cycle?

9 Traveling Salesman Problem
Given: weighted complete graph G=(V,E,W) Tour: visits all vertices exactly once Cost of the tour: sum of weights of traversed edges Optimization Problem: Find Optimal (Min Cost) Tour Decision Problem: given a value w. Is there a tour of weight < w?

10 Circuit Satisfiability
Logic gates: AND, OR, NOT See how they operate: Given: a circuit built up with logic gates, with n inputs x1, x2, … , xn and one output The circuit is satisfied for some input values of 0/1 associated to x1, x2, … , xn if output of the circuit is 1. Decision Problem: is there an assignment of 0/1 values to x1, x2, … , xn so that the circuit is satisfied?

11 Formula Satisfiability
Logic operators: AND, OR, NOT Variables: x1, x2, … , xn Boolean formula: ((x1 AND x2) OR (NOT x3 )) Given: a boolean formula F with n variables x1, x2, … , xn The formula is satisfied for some input values of 0/1 associated to x1, x2, … , xn if it evaluates to 1. Decision Problem: is there an assignment of 0/1 values to x1, x2, … , xn so that the formula F is satisfied?

12 CNF Formula Satisfiability
CNF= Conjunctive Normal Form: conjunction of disjunctions ((.. OR..) AND (.. OR..) AND (..)) AND: conjunction OR: disjunction Boolean formula: ((x1 AND x2) OR (NOT x3 )) Given: a boolean formula F in CNF with n variables x1, x2, … , xn Decision Problem: is there an assignment of 0/1 values to x1, x2, … , xn so that the CNF formula F is satisfied?

13 3SAT: Satisfiability of CNF Formulas with 3 literals per disjunction
Instance of 3SAT: ( (NOT x1) AND x2 AND x3) OR (x1 AND x3 AND x4) ) Given: a boolean formula F in CNF with n variables x1, x2, … , xn, with 3 literacls per clause Decision Problem: is there an assignment of 0/1 values to x1, x2, … , xn so that the formula F is satisfied?

14 Hardness of these Problems
None of the problems presented before is known to have a polynomial time algorithm But they all have a common property: that if a solution is given, it is easy to verify it

15 Verification Problems
Given a decision problem: Does there exist x such that a property holds? Verification Problem: given an object y, claimed to be a solution to the decision problem, verify that it is indeed the case

16 Examples Verify that a tour is a TSP tour of weight < w
Verify that a given coloring with k colors is valid Verify that a given complete subset of k vertices is a clique of G Verify that a certain assignment of 0/1 values satisfies a boolean circuit/formula Verify that a certain subset of items fits into a knapsack and has profit larger than P


18 It is easy to see that the VERIFICATION PROBLEM for
Traveling Salesman Problem 0-1Knapsack Graph Coloring Clique Circuit Satisfiability Hamilton Tour is in P (can be done in polynomial time)

19 General “algorithm” for such problems:
Guess a candidate for a solution Verify if it is a solution If you are lucky, you’re done Else you might have to generate all possible candidate solutions to find one, or say that none exists

20 Relating the Decision Problem to the Verification Problem
TSP: is there …. so that … “a tour”: object can be described in polynomial space “it has a weight < w”: property can be verified in polynomial time

21 Complexity Class NP Class of all decision problems that can be described as: is there …. (a candidate solution describable in polynomial space) so that … (property that can be verified in polynomial time holds)? NP= nondeterministic polynomial time


23 P = NP?

24 What if ? TRUE: then all the previously listed problems would have polynomial time algorithms FALSE: one should stop looking for polynomial time algorithms for these problems, since none would exist (deep theorem, due to S. Cook – done in 353 Complexity Theory). This would imply a lower bound on the complexity of all of these problems.

25 NP-complete problems If you proved that there is no polynomial time algorithm for any of them, you proved that there is no polynomial time algorithm for all the problems in NP If you proved there exists a polynomial time algorithm for any of them, then you proved there is a polynomial time algorithm for all of the problems in NP.

26 NP-Complete Problems TSP Hamilton Cycle Graph Coloring 0-1 Knapsack
CNF Formula Satisfiability, etc are as HARD as any other problem in NP

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