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Types of Salsa Dancing.

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1 Types of Salsa Dancing

2 Linear Style Dancing up and down in a line rather than in a circle.
Use the Mambo style step

3 L.A. Style Uses dips and arm styling Contemporary Mambo basic
Very linear

4 New York/ Mambo Style Body Waves Free style footwork Shines
Rib Cage movements Shimmying

5 Puerto Rican Style “One” or “Two” beat of music Technical Footwork
“Latin Ballroom” Highly Competitive

6 Miami Style Originated in Cuba Has a “tap and step” beat
Dancers move in a circular turn Most advanced salsa

7 Cuban Style Contemporary and faster rhythm More of an individual salsa
Macho dance “On-two” step

8 Casino Style Cuban circular style Double hand holds
Resembles the game Twister A lot of solo work

9 Rueda Group dance Originating in Cuba Lively, up-beat music
Constant changing of partners Three groups of participants

10 Colombian Style Closely and Tightly
No forward or backwards movement of the feet Lifts and swinging A lot calmer

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