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Common Assessment Overview Marina Aminy, Ph.D.

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1 Common Assessment Overview Marina Aminy, Ph.D.

2 Omar’s Story Omar, a prospective student at southern California’s Valley Community College, was assessed prior to enrolling in his courses. He took the CPT for his English course placement, and was placed at college level English. The MDTP assessment placed him in Intermediate Algebra, and his entire testing time was about three hours, total. Because he was offered a job just before starting college, Omar moved to Northern California, where he enrolled in Bayview College. He learned that Bayview does not use the same tests, and that he would need to take the ACT for English placement and the CPT for math. Omar was frustrated that he would need to take time off for this new testing process. When he learned that Bayview placed him at two levels below college English and in Elementary Algebra, he felt upset and confused about how this could happen. Because of the disappointment and added expense, Omar questioned his decision to enroll in college that year.

3 Omar’s Story Valley College Bayview College English Math
CPT, English 1A Math MDTP, Int. Algebra Bayview College ACT, 2 levels below CPT, Elem. Algebra

4 CAI Overarching Goal Develop a comprehensive, common assessment system that: aligns to state legislation reduces unnecessary remediation provides statewide efficiencies effectively supports faculty and staff to ensure accurate student placement, resulting in more successful student outcomes

5 Key Objectives A test that covers curricular areas of
Math English English as a second language (ESL) Adaptive at the Testlet level Multiple Measures Assessment Preparation Accessibility as a primary consideration

6 Assessment, Not Placement
Placement is locally determined Raw data is portable No traditional cut scores Map of Student Competencies Validation steps Statewide Local

7 2014 in Review Launch website – January 2014
Establish Governance – March 2014 Stakeholder representation Environmental scan – May 2014 Pilot College Application, Selection – May 2014 Request For Information (RFI) – June 2014 Work Group formation, meetings – June 2014

8 Work Group Highlights Math (includes above college-ready)
English (includes Reading) ESL (includes Noncredit) Multiple Measures Professional Development Test Development Process Platform (User Interface, Reporting)

9 Multiple Measures Overlap with Multiple Measures Assessment Project (MMAP) Currently convening Pilot college overlap Non-cognitive measures Research to come What will be offered?

10 Timeline Spring 2016 Summer 2016 Fall 2016 Ongoing Success!
Field testing and test validation data gathering Summer 2016 Approval by CCCCO ASWG Fall 2016 Release and Implementation begins Ongoing Professional Development Feedback and continuous improvement Success!

11 Professional Development
User types IT/Software interface Assessment Center staff Faculty including Counselors Research Local control factors PD Advisory Committee – with EPI/OEI Leveraging other PD events/activities

12 Faculty Considerations
Competency Maps C-ID, CB21, Common Core Placement Models Custom Algorithms for 113 Colleges Class-level aggregate reports Counseling Reports Interpretation of Results Student-Facing Reports

13 Researcher Considerations
Local Validation Disproportionate impact Local placement models Reports Dashboard Standard Custom

14 Assessment Staff Considerations
The Platform Activating an Assessment Reports Troubleshooting Support Services

15 Next Steps Prepare for the roll-out Collaborate with others
Reach out across district and region Learn to use the new platform Work with your implementation teams

16 Thank you
Questions? Thank you

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