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Test-Driven Development

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1 Test-Driven Development
Test-Driven Development

2 From a testing perspective, why might this scenario end badly?
Initial Plan: Implement software, then test at end Implementation takes 6 months longer than expected Finally, it’s time to test System is huge, so testing job is HUGE Pressure to ship causes skimping on testing Defects discovered this late are costly to fix But how to test earlier?

3 Test-Driven Development (TDD)
Idea: Test First! Write unit tests before functional code Typically blackbox tests

4 Iterative Development Process
Planning Requirements Analysis Design Implementation Deployment Testing Evaluation Initial Planning TDD combines

5 Running Example: Preorder Coffee with Gift Card

6 US and Tasks Start with Task 1

7 Further Break Down the Task
Represent order info Represent gift card info Represent receipt info *Although these might have been tasks, they’re very small, so it made more sense to combine them into a larger task

8 Next Step: Write Test Code

9 Rule #1: Your test should fail before you implement any code
Establishes a measure of success Promotes programming incrementally

10 Next: Write code to make the test pass

11 Rule #2: Implement the simplest code possible to make the test pass
Also helps to promote incremental programming By focusing on small bits of code Helps resist urge to add unwanted extras

12 Test-Driven Development Cycle

13 Next (Red): Test order information

14 In writing the test, you design the class interface — just enough interface!

15 Next (Green): Implement the interface you designed for the test

16 If in the process of building up classes, you realize your design could be improved, then REFACTOR! … and continue going around and around …

17 As you go, you expand upon the systems capabilities
You might do a test for each of these cases: A gift card with more than enough to cover the cost of the order A gift card without enough to cover the cost of the order An invalid gift card number A gift card with exactly the right amount A gift card that hasn’t been activated A gift card that’s expired

18 Despite cons, TDD is a widely advocated practice
Pros/Cons of TDD Pros: Yields lots of test cases More tests leads to increased confidence Cons: False sense of confidence? Non-TDD folks may not understand why writing so many tests and not functionality Despite cons, TDD is a widely advocated practice

19 Problem: How do you write a unit test for this?
DB-type I/O makes unit tests slow and complex

20 Here’s what we need for the system
Actual DB I/O

21 But here’s what we need for unit testing
Simulated (“fake”) DB I/O

22 How might you make the actual and the test DB utilities interchangeable?

23 Strategy Pattern Is One Way
OrderProcessor uses DBAccessor interface instead of either concrete class

24 Here are some example strategies

25 Another Way: Mocks Stand-ins for real objects
Especially good if faced with creating lots of concrete strategies Requires framework (similar to JUnit)

26 Mocks Example

27 This may seem like a lot of code, but compared to a bunch of classes…
Mocks Example Record Mode This may seem like a lot of code, but compared to a bunch of classes…

28 Practical Tips on Mocking
Several frameworks Mockito actually seems to be most popular URL: Maven dependency: org.mockito mockito-all Servlets can be unit (not integration) tested using mocks Requires a lot of mocks (request, response, session, etc.) Examples:

29 What’s next? Productivity report due in one week (Tue)
1.5 days of work per team member Exam 2 on next Thu

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