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Slavery and Slaving in Nineteenth Century Africa

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1 Slavery and Slaving in Nineteenth Century Africa
J. W. Buel, Heroes of the Dark Continent (New York, 1890), p. 66. GR, from map at Beit-al-Ajaib, Zanzibar Slavery and Slaving in Nineteenth Century Africa HI177 | A History of Africa since 1800 Term 1 | Week 3 | Dr Sacha Hepburn

2 Defining Slavery (and Freedom)
Slavery = diverse Slaves ‘occupied a wide range of roles and positions in African states and societies’ (Stilwell) Related to other forms of forced/coerced labour: indentured servitude, serfdom Debate: freedom and slavery as oppositional or on a spectrum of dependency?

3 Slave Systems in Africa
Trans-Saharan trade East African trade Transatlantic trade Domestic slavery/household slavery Common features: trade in men, women and children; hereditary status of slaves; violence

4 Slave Trades Out of Africa

5 The Transatlantic Trade
David and Charles Livingstone, Narrative of an Expedition to the Zambesi and its Tributaries; and of the Discovery of the Lakes Shirwa and Nyassa, (London, 1865), facing p. 356.

6 Role of African Slave States
Key states: Senegambia Sierra Leone Gold Coast Dahomey, Yoruba Niger Delta (Bight of Benin) Angola Slave trading and predation  Impact of European demand Sarah Tucker, Abbeokuta; or, sunrise within the tropics: an outline of the origin and progress of the Yoruba mission (London, 1853), facing p. 66.

7 Major coastal regions from which captives left Africa, 1500-1900

8 Volume and direction of the Transatlantic Trade

9 The Transatlantic Trade in Numbers
Period Total persons transported 81,000 338,000 1,876,000 6,495,000 4,027,000 Total 12,817,000 P. E. Lovejoy, Transformations in Slavery (New York, 2012), p. 19.

10 Domestic Slavery John Hanning Speke, Journey of the Discovery of the Source of the Nile (New York, 1869), p. 117.

11 Domestic Slavery David and Charles Livingstone, Narrative of an Expedition to the Zambesi and its Tributaries; and of the Discovery of the Lakes Shirwa and Nyassa, (London, 1865; reprinted New York, 1866), p. 499.

12 Impacts of Slavery on African Societies
Political/economic Easiest impacts to determine? Fusion of economic and political power = mercantilism Disintegration of powerful states, though not entirely result of slave trade Social/demographic Domestic/household slavery helped African households and societies to increase numbers But devastating impact of Transatlantic trade Increased slavery within Africa as result of Transatlantic trade, particularly female slavery

13 Abolition 1802: Denmark declares its trade illegal
1807: Britain and America outlaw the slave trade 1810: British begin detaining slave ships of other nations Mid-1840s-1851: Cuba and Brazil take action But expansion of slaveholding in Africa

14 Email me: Come to my office hours:
Questions? me: Come to my office hours: Monday 3-4pm and Friday 11am-12pm H3.31, third floor humanities

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