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PEGASUS: A frame for GNSS Data Evaluation

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Presentation on theme: "PEGASUS: A frame for GNSS Data Evaluation"— Presentation transcript:

1 PEGASUS: A frame for GNSS Data Evaluation
ICCAE Course – Software Outline PEGASUS: A frame for GNSS Data Evaluation

2 Pegasus – A frame for GNSS data analysis
Structure Main Frame Modules Data Logging CONVERTOR Plausibility check WinGPSAll Truth Ref MFile Runner Data Recording Data Processing Steps Rx D E C O I N G Data Transfer Raw ASCII P L A U S B T Y Storing Checked M Output Production

3 Pegasus - FRAME Frame automation of the data processing
easy access to all the data traceability of the process

4 Pegasus - MODULES Convertor WinGPSAll
translate receiver-native data into a generic format receiver implementation Input - receiver data Output - ASCII data WinGPSAll calculates a position solution and protection levels Input - Convertor files Output - data file (position and time solution data, protection levels and position errors)

5 M-file runner - FileWatch
Pegasus - MODULES Plausibility Check performs a number of user defined checks on the data input - modules data output - log file with check information rules Aircraft Dynamics computes the position error for dynamic data input - position data output - error data reference data - provided externally M-file runner - FileWatch visualization and detailed data analysis on the results

6 Graphical visualization: M-file runner
Visualisation - Matlab Input - Convertor, WinGPSAll Output - graphical presentations

7 Graphical visualization: M-file runner
Position errors and protection levels

8 Graphical visualization: M-file runner
Message distribution graphics

9 Graphical visualization: M-file runner
Ionospheric delay

10 Graphical visualization: Filewatch

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