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Florida A&M University
Testing in the Capstone Course: Foundations and Patterns for a Value-Added Experience Edward L. Jones Florida A&M University Tallahassee, FL 32307
CCSC Tutorial -- Testing
Agenda Purpose Context -- Sample Project Testing Issues -- Forms Testing Fields Testing Buttons We now look at the products from the unit testing process. Putting It All Together For More Information ... EL Jones CCSC Tutorial -- Testing 5
CCSC Tutorial -- Testing
Purpose This tutorial gives practical ways testing can be incorporated into the capstone course in such a way as to achieve two complementary goals: solid specification well defined test plan EL Jones CCSC Tutorial -- Testing 5
CCSC Tutorial -- Testing
Approach System elements have properties and behavior These need to be specified Good specification facilitates testing Test-focused specification kills two birds with one stone!! Testing involves either executing a unit or inspecting a unit -- with the intent of finding errors. EL Jones CCSC Tutorial -- Testing
CCSC Tutorial -- Testing
Philosophy Document as if you were testing Test using documentation Exploit behavior patterns in the software elements Test worksheets Testing involves either executing a unit or inspecting a unit -- with the intent of finding errors. EL Jones CCSC Tutorial -- Testing
Form Testing Worksheets
Template Set Master template Separate template for each form element Website: Preview Worksheets The worksheet templates satisfy the goals of SPECIFICATION driven PREMEDITATION -- systematic design process REPEATABILITY -- same templates used by all. ACCOUNTABILITY -- the worksheet are a record of what was planned, what was tested, and what the results were. ECONOMY -- the effort to design and execute tests is bounded. Expect it to reduce through reuse (copy, paste, edit). EL Jones CCSC Tutorial -- Testing 5
CCSC Tutorial -- Testing
Agenda Purpose Context -- Sample Project Testing Issues -- Forms Testing Fields Testing Buttons We now look at the products from the unit testing process. Putting It All Together For More Information ... EL Jones CCSC Tutorial -- Testing 5
Typical Project Architecture
Data Control Operation Navigation Main Menu (Form) Form Database EL Jones CCSC Tutorial -- Testing
System Main Menu PATIENT MEDICATION MANAGEMENT SYSTEM (PMMS) Account Name Calculate Dosage Update Patient Chart Exit System EL Jones CCSC Tutorial -- Testing
CCSC Tutorial -- Testing
Calculate Dosage Form PATIENT DOSAGE FORM Account Name Calculate Dosage Weight Age Recommended Dosage => 12 and under => 13-65 => 65-80 => over 80 Clear Save Go Back EL Jones CCSC Tutorial -- Testing
CCSC Tutorial -- Testing
Typical Experience System design is fun for students Behavior specification is weak System elements implemented inconsistently System test is ad hoc Discovers major problems too late. Testing involves either executing a unit or inspecting a unit -- with the intent of finding errors. EL Jones CCSC Tutorial -- Testing
CCSC Tutorial -- Testing
Agenda Purpose Context -- Sample Project Testing Issues -- Forms Testing Fields Testing Buttons We now look at the products from the unit testing process. Putting It All Together For More Information ... EL Jones CCSC Tutorial -- Testing 5
CCSC Tutorial -- Testing
WHAT IS TESTING? Executing a software element to determine whether it meets its specification Executing a software element to discover defects or anomalies Testing involves either executing a unit or inspecting a unit -- with the intent of finding errors. EL Jones CCSC Tutorial -- Testing
CCSC Tutorial -- Testing
LEVELS OF TESTING UNIT -- testing small elements in isolation INTEGRATION -- testing subsets of elements in combination SYSTEM -- testing the completed system When we think of units, we generally think SMALL. In addition to being small, there are other features of a unit: NAMED SOFTWARE ELEMENT THAT CAN BE SEPARATELY INVOKED LOGICALLY COHERENT -- Performs a SINGLE function or a GROUP OF RELATED FUNCTIONS. EL Jones CCSC Tutorial -- Testing
CCSC Tutorial -- Testing
WHAT IS A UNIT? Named software element properties behavior Separately invokable Performs single function Logically cohesive set of the above When we think of units, we generally think SMALL. In addition to being small, there are other features of a unit: NAMED SOFTWARE ELEMENT THAT CAN BE SEPARATELY INVOKED LOGICALLY COHERENT -- Performs a SINGLE function or a GROUP OF RELATED FUNCTIONS. EL Jones CCSC Tutorial -- Testing
CCSC Tutorial -- Testing
EXAMPLES OF UNITS User-Visible software elements Fields on forms Buttons on forms Entire forms (reports) Program-Internal software elements Subprograms Classes Databases This break-out of units into VISIBLE and INTERNAL is related to how the unit is INVOKED DURING TESTING VISIBLE -- test scripts, human tester INTERNAL -- test drivers, automated tester EL Jones CCSC Tutorial -- Testing
CCSC Tutorial -- Testing
ELEMENTARY UNITS Form Field Navigation Button Operation Button Database Stored Procedure Query Program Code Main Method Function Script FORMS, DATABASE and CLASSES are COMPOSITE UNIT made up of elementary units. A composite unit is tested by testing each of its elementary units, in a bottom-up fashion. EL Jones CCSC Tutorial -- Testing
CCSC Tutorial -- Testing
Objective The practice of unit testing adds value to the development process by surfacing areas of incompleteness, inaccuracy or ambiguity. Extensive use of aids (checklists, worksheets) minimize the effort but encourages thorough analysis. A message of this course is that UNIT TESTING PAYS when addressed early in the life cycle. The COST of unit testing is reduced through the use of worksheets and checklists … and through AUTOMATION (as we will see later). EL Jones CCSC Tutorial -- Testing 5
Required Elements of a Testing Methodology
Specification for the software Process for designing test cases Repeatable process for designing, running and evaluating tests Accountable artifacts of testing activities Economical use of human, time and computing resources Recall that sound testing practice is based on the SPECIFICATION and a systematic, repeatable process for test case design. This session deals with achieving ACCOUNTABILITY -- producing evidence that such a systematic process has been followed -- in a COST-EFFECTIVE way. EL Jones CCSC Tutorial -- Testing
CCSC Tutorial -- Testing
Recommended Practice Specification, Code Analysis Design Implementation Execution Evaluation Decision Table Worksheet (Test Cases) Workbook This session focuses on the middle three phases. 1) Test Case Design, which results in the completion of test cases that are recorded in a test worksheet. 2) Test Implementation, which results in manual scripts (e.g., worksheet) or automated test drivers. 3) Test Execution involves performing the tests according to the scripts/drivers and recording results within worksheets or driver output files. 4) The PRIMARY RESULT is BUG COUNTS FINDING BUGS IS GOOD … DURING TESTING!! Test Results (Workbook) #Bugs Found EL Jones CCSC Tutorial -- Testing
CCSC Tutorial -- Testing
Agenda Purpose Context -- Sample Project Testing Issues -- Forms Testing Fields Testing Buttons We now look at the products from the unit testing process. Putting It All Together For More Information ... EL Jones CCSC Tutorial -- Testing 5
CCSC Tutorial -- Testing
WHY IS A FIELD A UNIT? Field has properties Data type and domain (size, value set, default) Visual appearance (color, case, alignment) Accessibility" Read-only, write-only, R/W Field has behavior Validation -- reject if property rule violated Messaging -- to report violation Global status -- bad field invalidates form 1) A field has the characteristics of a unit. It is an ELEMENTARY VISIBLE UNIT. 2) Of the properties of a field, some depend on the form (e.g., color, usage for input/output), while others depend on the application (set of values, default value). 3) Activation of a field results in several important behaviors a) Validation b) Messaging -- if validation fails c) Setting of FORM STATUS (e.g., SUBMIT button DISABLED UNTIL all fields contain valid data. EL Jones CCSC Tutorial -- Testing
Data type Length Format Domain Default value Validation rules Error messages 1) Unit tests are required to ensure the correct implementation of field attributes and behavior. TESTS OF FORM-INDEPENDENT ATTRIBUTES & BEHAVIORS ARE REUSABLE!! EL Jones CCSC Tutorial -- Testing
TESTING AN INPUT FIELD An Error-Handling Approach
A primary function of an input field is to validate data entered into a field, and to notify the user if an error occurs. Properties of the field determine error conditions and the correct response Input field testing ensures that only valid input is accepted, and proper error handling occurs. The major focus of field testing is VALIDATION and ERROR HANDLING. Validation can be programmed using property sheets of the field (Lotus Notes) or written in the target language (e.g., Java). EL Jones CCSC Tutorial -- Testing
Relationships Between Attributes and Validation
Validation rules perform self-checking at field, form, and/or database level Error prevention in LotusNotes/Access Input masking prevents formatting and data type errors List boxes prevent input errors Certain "semantic" errors still must be checked (inconsistency) VALIDATION ensures that the intended ATTRIBUTES have been correctly implemented. Certain technology, such as Microsoft Office or Lotus Notes can prevent certain errors from occurring, eliminating the need for validation. Even then, the CORRECT USE of these features must be TESTED. EL Jones CCSC Tutorial -- Testing
At the field level, immediately upon changing focus from field (e.g., client side) Supports build & test At the form level, upon clicking a button that requires the data (e.g., server side) Deferred field test, rolled into form test. Testing a field is easiest when validation occurs IMMEDIATELY upon leaving the field. The developer can follow a BUILD-then-TEST approach, correctly implementing one field before implementing the next field. CLIENT-SIDE validation permits this. DEFERRED VALIDATION occurs when a field is validated only WHEN USED -- when a button is selected. The BUILD-then-TEST approach is hard in this case. SERVER-SIDE validation is deferred validation. EL Jones CCSC Tutorial -- Testing
We derive generic test case specifications for certain types of fields Text boxes -- string and numeric data List boxes -- string and numeric data These become worksheet templates for designing field test cases WORKSHEET = SPECIFICATION In the next section we will DERIVE a set of generic test case descriptions for testing input fields implemented as text boxes and list boxes. The result will be WORKSHEET TEMPLATES that will be tailored to a given situation. The purpose of showing the DERIVATION is to show you how to construct worksheet templates for other types of fields or other units that FOLLOW A PATTERN. EL Jones CCSC Tutorial -- Testing
Developer supplies actual test cases for each test case specification Developer may derive additional generic test case specs for new field types Developer combines test cases into a test workbook. Don’t forget that these are TEMPLATES, so some critical thought must be put into making them reflect the situation at hand. The INTENT is to GUIDE the developer through a TEST CASE DESIGN PROCESS> EL Jones CCSC Tutorial -- Testing
Deriving Generic Test Case Specs for a Text Box
c1: Wrong Data type | Y N N N N Condition c2: Wrong Length | - Y N N N c3: Wrong format | - - Y N N c4: Illegal value | Y N c5: Default value used | N Y c6: Wrong default value | Y a1: PREVENTED | Action a2: Data Type Error Msg | X a3: Length Error Msg | X a4: Format Error Msg | X a5: Domain Error Msg | X a6: Field set to Default | X a7: Truncated/padded | X a8: Input accepted | X a9: FIELD ERROR | X This decision table reflects the outcomes of entering data into a text box field. 1) ROWS 1-4 reflect responses to errors a) Wrong type of input characters (numeric, alpha) b) Too much/too little data c) Wrong format (layout, appearance, punctuation) d) Illegal value 2) The last two rows address the selection of the default value, or the observation that the WRONG DEFAULT is being displayed. 3) The APPLICATION RESPONSE to these errors should include issuing an error message and other appropriate actions. EL Jones CCSC Tutorial -- Testing
TEXT BOX Functional TEST CASES (Generic)
Stimulus Expected Response 1 Wrong data type Data type error message 2 Good type, too short Length error message 3 Good type, too long Length error message, truncate 4* Good type, length; bad format Format error message 5 Illegal value only. Value error message The next step in the derivation is to DERIVE FUNCTIONAL TEST CASES from the decision table, following the process defined in the Unit Test Concepts session. 6 Non-Default value entered ACCEPT value 7 Default value selected ACCEPT Default value. 8 Wrong Default value displayed UNEXPECTED: FIELD Error. * Expand based on format syntax EL Jones CCSC Tutorial -- Testing
TEXT BOX Boundary TEST CASES (Generic)
Stimulus Expected Response 9 GOOD: Length = minimum ACCEPT field 10 GOOD: Length = maximum ACCEPT field 11 GOOD: value = "minimum" ACCEPT field 12 GOOD: value = "maximum" ACCEPT field The BOUNDARY TEST CASES apply to the attributes for which LIMITS APPLY -- field length and field domain (legal values). NOTE: These conditions may not apply to all fields. Tester sees only the Generic Test Cases, not the process followed to derive them. EL Jones CCSC Tutorial -- Testing
CCSC Tutorial -- Testing
Calculate Dosage Form PATIENT DOSAGE FORM Account Name Calculate Dosage Weight Age Recommended Dosage => 12 and under => 13-65 => 65-80 => over 80 Clear Save Go Back EL Jones CCSC Tutorial -- Testing
Field/Button Description (Specification) Patient Name Name alpha/comma chars. Format: Last, First Middle Patient Age List box: {12 and under, (default), 65-80, over 80}. Patient Weight Weight in pounds. Whole number, in range Dosage Computed output field. Whole number, in range 0-5. Calculate Dosage Button Action button. Compute dosage based on Age, Weight, and display in Dosage field. Consider the form with this specification. 1) THREE INPUT FIELDS a) Text box for text data b) List box c) Text box for numeric data 2) ONE OUTPUT FIELD 3) Two ACTION BUTTONS 4) One FORM button -- Clear 5) One NAVIGATION button -- GoBack Clear Button Form button. Clear all input and output fields. Save Button Action button. Save form data to Trials Database. GoBack Button Navigation button. Return to previous screen. EL Jones CCSC Tutorial -- Testing
Your Turn -- Error Test Cases (Dosage Form Weight Field)
1. Use the Form Test Worksheet, Section A. 2. Complete the TextBox-Numeric Data template a) Fill in FIELD NAME b) Create TEST DATA for each row. c) Complete the expected result -- at minimum, issue a message if an error occurs. d) If a test condition does not apply for the field, delete the row from the worksheet. Now, create test cases for the Weight field. This is also a text box, but because the data type is NUMERIC, certain test cases that were not applicable for the Name field ARE APPLICABLE for the Weight field. EL Jones CCSC Tutorial -- Testing
Weight Field Test Worksheet Text Box (Numeric)
When you get finished, we will view a solution (click on ARROW). EL Jones CCSC Tutorial -- Testing 5
Weight Field Test Worksheet
EL Jones CCSC Tutorial -- Testing 5
Deriving Generic Test Case Specs for a List Box
Condition c1: Wrong Data type | N c2: Wrong Length | N c3: Wrong format | N c4: Invalid value | N c5: Default selected | Y N - c6: Wrong default value | N N Y a1: PREVENTED | X X X X Action a2: Field set to Default | X a3: Input accepted | X a4: FIELD ERROR | X The data entry errors shown in RED are PREVENTED by list boxes -- because data entry has been replaced by DATA SELECTION. Consequently, there are just THREE functional test conditions. List boxes prevent these input errors. EL Jones CCSC Tutorial -- Testing
List Box: Functional/Boundary Test Cases (Generic)
Stimulus Expected Response 1 Select Default value. ACCEPT DefaultValue 2 Select k'th value from List. ACCEPT ListValue_k 3 Wrong Default value displayed. FIELD Error, no message. 4 First list item ACCEPT first ListValue. 5 Last list item ACCEPT last ListValue Boundary test cases relate to the POSITION of values within the LIST OF VALUES. * Boundary test cases. EL Jones CCSC Tutorial -- Testing
Your Turn -- Error Test Cases (Dosage Form Age Field)
a) Fill in FIELD NAME b) Create TEST DATA for each row. c) Complete the expected result -- at minimum, issue a message if an error occurs. d) If a test condition does not apply for the field, delete the row from the worksheet. Now, create test cases for the Age field. The test condition “DEFAULT VALUE SELECTED” should be expanded into TWO TEST CASES, since there are really two ways to select the default. EL Jones CCSC Tutorial -- Testing
Age Field Test Worksheet List Box
EL Jones CCSC Tutorial -- Testing 5
Other Form-Field Attributes (Checklist Verification*)
Field-Level Test Required Field Input only access* Output only access* Input/Output access* Visual appearance * Form-Level Test Data source Data destination Correlated fields Tab/Cursor sequence * We have shown how to test input fields designed as text and list boxes. A series of tests is used to test each field. Other properties (indicated by *) can be tested via checklists. The checklist also provides a specification of required behavior of the form (e.g., tab sequence or cursor movement). EL Jones CCSC Tutorial -- Testing
Same field used on many forms Most attributes are the same, so are the validation rules Field implementation and test are reusable Only form-specific attributes may change We have shown how to test input fields designed as text and list boxes. There are other input field designs (also called controls) a) List box permitting exactly 1 choice b) List box permitting multiple choices c) Radio buttons permitting exactly 1 choice d) Check boxes permitting multiple choices. NOTE: For testing purposes, a and c are equivalent, so are b and d; that is, the test worksheet templates have the same test conditions. Insight: There are reusable test patterns based on field attributes. EL Jones CCSC Tutorial -- Testing
CCSC Tutorial -- Testing
Agenda Purpose Context -- Sample Project Testing Issues -- Forms Testing Fields Testing Buttons We now look at the products from the unit testing process. Putting It All Together For More Information ... EL Jones CCSC Tutorial -- Testing 5
A button test is a black-box test.
Objective Testing a button is testing a function that uses form input field data, and may produce form output fields. There may be additional stimuli and responses beyond those observable from the form. A button test is a black-box test. EL Jones CCSC Tutorial -- Testing 5
Testing the SAVE Button
Identify stimuli and responses Schematic diagram Develop decision table Ask questions about required behavior Identify conditions for certain behavior Develop test cases Functional and boundary test cases SAVE is an ACTION BUTTON. The effect of button is to take certain data from the form (the input fields only), and store the data in the Trials database. Unlike input fields, developing test cases for buttons requires an analysis and design process. 1) ANALYSIS a) Identify all stimuli and responses -- some will form fields, others will be databases, messages, etc. b) Develop decision table relating responses to stimuli. 2) DESIGN test cases from decision table. EL Jones CCSC Tutorial -- Testing
SAVE Button Black-Box Schematic
Stimulus Type Response Type Argument Argument Name, Age, Weight Error Msg? Inputs Outputs SAVE Button Globals Globals 1) STIMULI a) Input fields of the form -- provide data that will be saved. B) The database must exist 2) RESPONSES a) Updates to the database b) Error messages, if unsuccessful c) Consider additional visual effects, such as cursor movement or color changes. The next step is to determine the specific circumstances under which each response occurs, and to decide the specific values in each response . Trials DB Trials DB Database Database Exception Exception EL Jones CCSC Tutorial -- Testing
Asking the Right Questions
Preconditions? Trials database OPEN and available Form fields are valid Postconditions? Entry for patient in Trials database #entries per patient? How are entries stored? Errors Detected, Messages? Field data not valid Unable to update, given field data EL Jones CCSC Tutorial -- Testing
c1: Trials DB open | N Y Y Y Y Y c2: Valid Age | Y Y N Y Y c3: Valid Weight | Y Y N Y c4: Valid Name | Y Y N c5: Name already in DB | N Y a1: "DB not ready" msg | X a2: Save | X a3: "Duplicate entry" msg | X a4: "Invalid Field" msg | X X X NOTE: (These notes optional -- may confuse) (1) This is a compressed table that treats SINGLE ERRORS. (2) The behavior when multiple errors occur at the same time is not reflected (3) One interpretation is that checking occurs in the order, and checking stops on the first error: (a) DB open? (b) Weight valid (c ) Name Valid> (d) Duplicate Name? (4) When the precedence is critical, this table should be expanded to specify responses to multiple errors. * Impossible to have invalid Age: list box with default. * (a4) Possibly a different message for each field. EL Jones CCSC Tutorial -- Testing
SAVE Button Functional Test Cases
Stimulus Expected Response 1 1a 3 5 6 Trials DB not ready, good fields "DB not ready" msg, no save. Trials DB not ready, bad Name field "??" msg, no save. DB ready, duplicate Name "Duplicate" msg, no save. DB ready, bad Weight only. "Bad Field" msg, no save. DB ready, bad Name only 2 DB ready, unique Name SAVED, no msg. 4x Impossible -- drop N/A The SECOND test case conditions tests the occurrence of two errors -- DB-not-ready and bad-Name. Other test cases handle zero or one error. * Multiple errors: which one takes precedence? * Infeasible test case, given list box! EL Jones CCSC Tutorial -- Testing
Your Turn -- Testing the CalculateDosage Button
Identify stimuli and responses Schematic diagram Develop decision table Ask questions about required behavior Identify conditions for certain behavior Develop test cases Functional and boundary test cases EL Jones CCSC Tutorial -- Testing
Your Turn -- CalculateDosage Button Black-Box Schematic
Stimulus Type Response Type Argument Argument ErrorMsg? Age, Weight Inputs Outputs CALCULATE DOSAGE Button Dosage field Globals Globals Database Database Exception Exception EL Jones CCSC Tutorial -- Testing
Your Turn -- CalculateDosage Button -- Questions
Preconditions? Form fields are valid Initial value of Dosage field (e.g., blank)? Postconditions? Dosage field computed No other fields updated Cursor position Dosage blank if error Errors Detected, Messages? Form field data not valid Unable to calculate (Dosage field value: blank or ZERO?) EL Jones CCSC Tutorial -- Testing
Your Turn -- CalculateDosage Button Decision Table
c1: Weight = blank | Y N N c2: Valid Weight | - N Y* c3: Valid Weight | - N Y* a1: Dosage = calculated #pills | X* a2: Dosage field = blank | X X a3: Error msg = "can't compute" | X X a4: Cursor at Dosage field | X a5: Cursor at Weight field | X *NOTE: This table deals with the activation of the button in terms of visible form elements (input/output fields and error messages). Detailed rules for calculating the value are treated elsewhere. EL Jones CCSC Tutorial -- Testing
Your Turn -- CalculateDosage Button Test Cases
Test Data/Actions Expected Response 1 2 3 4 Enter Name = "Doe, Joe" Enter Default Age Tab through BLANK Weight field Enter Weight = 925 Enter Name = "Test, Joe" Enter Age from functional test set Enter Weight from functional test set … Remaining functional test cases … 1." Invalid Weight" message 2. Dosage = blank 3. Cursor at Weight 1." Missing Weight" message 1. Dosage = computed value (from test case) 2. Cursor at Dosage NOTE: These cases begin with form-level error handling for the CalculateDosage button, and contains functional test cases from the Concepts session. EL Jones CCSC Tutorial -- Testing
Action Button Test Worksheet
EL Jones CCSC Tutorial -- Testing 5
Button Testing -- Summary
Testing a button is easy when the test analysis has already been performed on the underlying function. The form expands the scope of the function to include visible fields and hidden effects (e.g., database updates). The basic question remains "what should happen, and where should I look for it?" Testing an action button combines a form-level test with the test of the underlying function. The form level test relates to WHEN IS IT OKAY TO SELECT THE BUTTON, and WHAT VISIBLE HAPPENS? The underlying function test relates specific values of form (input) fields to form output fields. Test cases for the function may be designed independently from the form-level tests. EL Jones CCSC Tutorial -- Testing 5
CCSC Tutorial -- Testing
Agenda Purpose Context -- Sample Project Testing Issues -- Forms Testing Fields Testing Buttons We now look at the products from the unit testing process. Putting It All Together For More Information ... EL Jones CCSC Tutorial -- Testing 5
Form Testing -- Process
Perform field tests Perform button tests Form buttons* Navigation* Action buttons Perform cursor tests* Initial position, tab sequence, position after data entry or button activation A BOTTOM-UP process for testing a form. 1) Start with the tests that can be done in ISOLATION -- FIELD TESTS -- FORM BUTTONS 2) Perform tests that require connection to other forms and to underlying functions -- NAVIGATION BUTTONS -- ACTION BUTTONS -- CURSOR MOVEMENT Some of these tests can be completed using CHECK LISTS. * via checklist EL Jones CCSC Tutorial -- Testing 5
Form Test Worksheet: Cursor Movement & Navigation
Here is an example of a CHECKLIST for testing cursor movement. NOTE: This checklist is a SPECIFICATION of required movement. NOTE: This is a NEGATIVE CHECKLIST -- it is “tallied” (marked) when a specified MOVEMENT DOES NOT OCCUR EL Jones CCSC Tutorial -- Testing 5
Visual Properties Checklist
This checklist specifies a set of visual properties that must be satisfied by the form. The list of properties reflects STANDARDS, BONDING and application look and feel. NOTE: Even though the SAME STANDARDS may apply to all forms, use ONE CHECKLIST PER FORM. EL Jones CCSC Tutorial -- Testing 5
CCSC Tutorial -- Testing
Form Testing -- Set Up Isolated Testing Form visual attributes Individual field testing -- validation Integrated Testing Form connected to other forms for navigation Buttons connected to underlying code Database connected The set-up for form testing is less for isolated testing, especially when CLIENT-SIDE validation is implemented. SERVER-SIDE testing requires some level of integration of the FIELDS with at least on BUTTON. Fields can be tested one at a time by providing VALID values for all fields but one, and varying the values of the remaining field. RULE: TEST AS MUCH AS YOU CAN AS SOON AS YOU CAN! EL Jones CCSC Tutorial -- Testing 5
Form Testing -- Results
Perform tests specified on Checklists and Worksheets created during design, and record results Form test worksheet field test section* buttons test section Form test checklist visuals cursor movement navigation It should be clear that designing test cases goes HAND IN HAND with clearly specifying the behavior of the form. You are provided with reusable templates that must be customized based on the specifics of the form being designed. PLEASE NOTE: BE SURE TO INCLUDE TESTS FOR RELATED FIELD GROUPS (e.g., MALE answering FEMALE question). These are not included in the worksheet. * Generic based on field type. EL Jones CCSC Tutorial -- Testing 5
Form Testing -- Summary
Form testing is a bottom-up process involving testing of visual properties, cursor movement, data entry and display, and actions triggered by buttons. Certain properties can be tested immediately; others require varying degrees of system integration. Read as is. EL Jones CCSC Tutorial -- Testing 5
CCSC Tutorial -- Testing
Agenda Purpose Context -- Sample Project Testing Issues -- Forms Testing Fields Testing Buttons We now look at the products from the unit testing process. Putting It All Together For More Information ... EL Jones CCSC Tutorial -- Testing 5
Form Testing Worksheets
Template Set Master template Separate template for each form element Website: Preview Worksheets The worksheet templates satisfy the goals of SPECIFICATION driven PREMEDITATION -- systematic design process REPEATABILITY -- same templates used by all. ACCOUNTABILITY -- the worksheet are a record of what was planned, what was tested, and what the results were. ECONOMY -- the effort to design and execute tests is bounded. Expect it to reduce through reuse (copy, paste, edit). EL Jones CCSC Tutorial -- Testing 5
CCSC Tutorial -- Testing
THANK YOU The worksheet templates satisfy the goals of SPECIFICATION driven PREMEDITATION -- systematic design process REPEATABILITY -- same templates used by all. ACCOUNTABILITY -- the worksheet are a record of what was planned, what was tested, and what the results were. ECONOMY -- the effort to design and execute tests is bounded. Expect it to reduce through reuse (copy, paste, edit). EL Jones CCSC Tutorial -- Testing 5
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