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Graham Beck, QMUL, WP4 RAL 2 May 2013

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1 Graham Beck, QMUL, WP4 RAL 2 May 2013
Stave QA (2013 kick-off) “QA scheme will be developed, in collaboration with international colleagues. Who/Where? LBL (Carl H), BNL (Dave Lynn)? Anywhere else (KEK!?) Not (directly) Petals ? Specify appropriate stave life-cycle handling and QA procedures including: handling and storage of raw materials (pre-preg, glue); assembly sequences (curing, annealing); procedures associated with ensuring assembled products meet specification and stave transportation. (…presumably this means spec’ing safe transportation?) Includes: Specify the detailed thermo-mechanical and electrical test protocols Coordinate development of suitable test systems: - define test outputs, data formats etc, as required for the construction database. Where does QA happen? (Presumably refers to “where … within the UK?”) Mechanical: Stave manufacturing sites (Liverpool & Oxford). Thermal QA: QMUL Electrical QA: RAL Graham Beck, QMUL, WP4 RAL 2 May 2013

2 Items: Materials, Components, Assemblies.
For (at least) my own benefit, a list of things to consider helps to focus on the scope of QA ~ ~ ~ Items: Materials, Components, Assemblies. Properties: Mechanical, Thermal, Electrical … Procedures: Handling, Machining, Glueing, Inspecting, Testing, Transporting Stresses: Mechanical, Electrical, Thermal, … Radiation damage, Moisture, Creep, Pneumatic, Magnetic, Chemical, … Asteroid Impact (perhaps not?). … “Static” e.g. gravity, HV stress, …. … Dynamic e.g. Vibration, e/m interference, thermal shock, ESD …. Should add to this (exploratory) list & look for problem areas! Draw up a list of concerns that motivate QA … Look back at “old” SCT for “lessons learned”. Discuss Necessary vs Wasteful QA (i.e. “prioritise”) Graham Beck, QMUL, WP4 RAL 2 May 2013

3 Graham Beck, QMUL, WP4 RAL 2 May 2013
More down to earth: Start by documenting the established QA issues (and communicate with “Performance Requirements” authors, re limits). . . in some structured way: Examples ITEM ISSUE DESCRIPTION LIMITS Completed Core Thermal Performance (Static) DT measurements… + - xxx Completed Core Thermal Shock Transient Response… Stave (Completed) Electrical Performance* Basic Connectivity, HV switching, Read-out Noise Performance * this is potentially a very large and important chunk of QA. Presumably it IS part of “Stave QA”??? How should we get started on this? Graham Beck, QMUL, WP4 RAL 2 May 2013

4 Graham Beck, QMUL, WP4 RAL 2 May 2013
ACTION I will contact the other task leaders and international collaborators (when I know who these are) to start the process of specifying QA. (Obviously) QA will evolve continuously, with time and experience. Associated Milestones and Deliverables are stated as: M4.1 “TM and Electrical performance requirements” Draft/Final: Q / Q AbIC M4.3 “Stave assembly and QA procedures” Draft/Final: Q1 2014/ Q AbIC Two more slides – a couple of comments + a more serious issue …. Graham Beck, QMUL, WP4 RAL 2 May 2013

5 Graham Beck, QMUL, WP4 RAL 2 May 2013
“Write it down, and Save a bit for later” …. <100> Lorentz Angle – we don’t understand it, but we do know how to locate the sensors, what their original depletion voltages were etc. - from the database. Back-plane contact resistance (where did that come from?). I still have Martin’s bead samples (I hope, in spite of preparing to move labs….) I still have some tpg samples (K measures the same after 13 years). Try not to lose them!! Graham Beck, QMUL, WP4 RAL 2 May 2013

6 Graham Beck, QMUL, WP4 RAL 2 May 2013
Database QA will (obviously) generate data to be stored in a structured, accessible, form. From WP3/5 kick-off meeting Monday (DaveR): Module/Hybrid DB exists, is in use, and will be extended to cope with Sensors and (probably) End-Cap. As of NOW, we do not have sufficient effort to construct a Stave DataBase. (Mech, Elec…). Issues include: - Separate or Part of the Module/Hybrid DB ? (Note DaveR is heavily occupied elsewhere). - Location (of server and effort)? - Software effort: This is a big job. QMUL have lost A.J.Martin. Alex Owen can contribute (at most) 10% of his time (and has limited DB expertise). Graham Beck, QMUL, WP4 RAL 2 May 2013

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