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Dr. Afxendiou Sachem North High School

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Presentation on theme: "Dr. Afxendiou Sachem North High School"— Presentation transcript:

1 Dr. Afxendiou Sachem North High School
SAQ – You can do this! Dr. Afxendiou Sachem North High School

2 The basics DIRECTLY answer the question
Be EXPLICIT – be specific, do not write broad generalizations, do not be vague Give evidence and specific information Use the words of the question to begin your answer – it helps keep you on task Continue with specific historical information, historical terms, events, people – prove to the reader that you know your history

3 Specifics Responses should be 3 to 5 content rich sentences per section (a, b, and c) Use the following format: Your response Letter each part and skip a line between each section

4 What should be in your answer
Relationships, causes, effects, connections Include analysis – answer the WHY and HOW

5 Do this! Directly answer the question by identifying your claim
Briefly define and describe your claim (people, events, specific facts) Place your claim within the historical context – Why does it matter? How does it affect history?

6 What NOT to do Don’t write a short essay Don’t write a full paragraph
Don’t write in bullet points Don’t look for the answer in the source provided, it is only a guide, a place to start

7 Answer parts a, b, and c. a) Explain ONE cause of the Columbian Exchange. b) Explain ONE effect of the Columbian Exchange on the Americas. c) Explain ONE effect of the Columbian Exchange on Afro-Eurasia.

8 Answer parts a, b, and c. a) Explain ONE cause of the Columbian Exchange. b) Explain ONE effect of the Columbian Exchange on the Americas. c) Explain ONE effect of the Columbian Exchange on Afro-Eurasia. A) One cause of the Columbian Exchange was European Exploration. Europeans were forced to go looking for new routes to the markets of Asia in order to bypass the Ottoman Empire that controlled areas around the Mediterranean Sea leading Christopher Columbus to reach the Caribbean. The Portuguese were inspired to explore by Henry the Navigator who desired the gold that Africa was reputed to have. The Columbian Exchange that resulted from exploration led to the inclusion of the Americas into the global trading system and the globalization of exchange of diseases, food products, and technologies. B) One effect on the Americas was the decline of the native population. Through the Columbian exchange diseases such as smallpox and measles were brought to the Americas and the natives did not have natural immunity due to their isolation from the rest of the world. This decimation of the natives led to a loss of labor for the European plantation and mine owners which led to the importation of slaves from Africa causing the infamous Middle Passage, part of the Triangular Trade. One effect on Afro-Eurasia was population increase. This was due to the import of potatoes from the Americas to the Old world, leading to an easy growing, high calorie food for the masses. The population increase was due to the expansion of the lifespan of most Europeans and leads to the growth of empires by expanding colonization

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