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Guide to creating a successful response journal

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1 Guide to creating a successful response journal
The Great Gatsby Guide to creating a successful response journal

2 Response journal guidelines
Each entry must be numbered and titled with what the particular assignment is. You MUST thoroughly answer EACH part of the writing prompt or prompts. Spelling and grammar will not be graded; however, you are expected to present your entries in a formal, academic way. i.e. use proper vocabulary, legible writing, and intelligible thoughts and sentences. Each entry must be at least 6 sentences in length (unless otherwise stated). All entries MUST BE your original work. If you plagiarize from any source (or copy from any classmate), your entry will be given a ZERO. As with all outcomes in life, YOU GET WHAT YOU GIVE. If you put in minimal effort, you will get a minimal grade. Remember, this is going to be roughly 20% of your final grade for the fourth quarter!

3 Journal Entries 1 & 2 April 25, 2016
Objective: Gain a basic understanding of some of the main characters in The Great Gatsby. Understand what life was like for wealthy socialites living during the 20s. Understand the social construction and ideologies of the wealthy during this time period. Entry 1: What are your first impressions of Nick Carraway, Tom Buchanan, and Daisy Buchanan? What is your impression of life during this time period in West/East Egg? Use at least one quote from each character that impacted your opinion of the character and explain WHY you chose it. Entry 2: Summarize chapter 1 and predict what you think will happen next in the book.

4 Journal entries 3 and 4 Journal Entry 3 – 3 Quotes from Chapter 3: write and explain them. Journal Entry 4 – Describe one conversation with Wolfsheim at lunch. How does this conversation affect Nick’s view of Gatsby? Hints (restaurant shooting, job, molars, World Series). Fitzgerald shifts the POV from Nick to Jordan. She explains how Daisy is connected to Gatsby in the past – five years ago. Using these details explain Gatsby’s relationship with Daisy. (Hints: officers in the white car, bathtub, letters, pearls, marriage) According to Jordan, what favor does Gatsby want from Nick? Do you think Nick should agree to it? Why or why not?

5 Journal entry 5 may 3, 2016 Answer the following questions based on chapter IV What is your opinion of Jay Gatsby? Do you believe him and his explanation of his past life? What’s your opinion of Nick? Has it changed from the beginning of the novel? If so, how? What part of chapter IV stood out to you the most? Why?

6 Journal entry 6 May 9, 2016 Describe the meeting of Daisy and Gatsby. Do you think she will be able to live up to Gatsby’s expectations of her? What request does Nick ask of Daisy? How does Gatsby prepare for Daisy’s arrival at both Nick’s home and his own? (at least 2 sentences) What was Nick thinking about when he left Daisy and Gatsby alone. (This is an example of the literary technique stream of consciousness). (2 sentences) Lastly, choose one of the following themes and explain how it is represented in chapter V. You may use a short quote to support your findings. Social Class, Materialism, Unfulfilled Desire, or The American Dream. (5-6 sentences)

7 Journal entry 7 Part I Gatsby believes the past can be recreated. Is he right? How realistic is Gatsby’s dream? Part II: Describe a time that you wanted to relive or change a moment from your past. Do you think it is possible to relive the past, or do you believe that things can never be the same, even if you try to repeat it? What lengths would you go to regain a lost moment or reunite with an old love?

8 Journal 8 Gatsby and Daisy’s affair takes place outside the view of the audience and narrator. Why do you think Fitzgerald chose to do this? (2-3 sentences) Reflect on the awkward luncheon at the Buchanan's home. Choose two moments from their gathering that stand out to you. Explain why they are important to you and how they contribute to the overall plot of the novel. (4- 5 sentences) Lastly, explain the significance of Tom meeting Mr. Wilson in this chapter. What thoughts do you think are racing through Tom’s head? Why?(2-3 sentences)

9 Journal 9 Nick recalls that after Myrtle’s death he looks over at Tom and “…heard the low husky sob and saw that the tears were overflowing down his face.” What does this tell you about Tom’s state of mind? Why is he so upset about Myrtle? Tom calls Gatsby a “God Damn coward!” do you think his opinion would have been different if he knew that Daisy was really driving the car? What does Gatsby’s decision to take the blame for Daisy tell us about him? Do you think he was wise or foolish to do this?

10 Journal 10 Reflect on the following quote: “It was this night that he told me the strange story of his youth with Dan Cody– told it to me because “Jay Gatsby” had broken like glass against Tom’s hard malice and the long secret extravaganza was thrown out.” 1. Why is this a significant quote in the novel? How does the figurative language give us heartbreaking imagery into the destruction of Gatsby’s dream? Why does Daisy decide to not ever call Gatsby? 2. What is the mood (the feeling the reader gets) throughout chapter 8. Choose a quote that helps support the mood you felt throughout the reading of it. 3. Who is to blame for all the trouble that takes place in the novel? Why? Gatsby, Daisy, Tom, Nick, or Myrtle? Is any one innocent? Why or why not?

11 Journal 11 What is your reaction to Gatsby’s funeral turnout? What is your opinion of Henry Gatz? What did you like most and least about the ending of the novel? Are you surprised that Nick is moving back to the mid-west? Nick describes his, Daisy, Tom, Gatsby, and Jordan as “a story of the west.” What does he mean by this? Do you think there are major differences in morals and values based on the regions in which people live? Lastly, do you agree with metaphorical vision that people’s future dreams are like boats that struggle against the current that eventually brings them back to their past? Why or why not? Explain.

12 Journal 12 What is your first impression of the film version of The Great Gatsby? What artistic changes did you notice that Baz Luhrmann (the director) made to the film version of the novel? Do you agree with them why or why not? Do you think the casting director choose the appropriate actors to play the roles of Gatsby, Tom, Daisy, and Jordan? Why or why not? Are there any changes you would make?

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