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vision for greenville metro

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1 vision for greenville metro 2016-2020
A Smart Transportation action plan


3 FeB 2016 - GreeNVILLE METRO - SCC Map

4 Smart Transport Corridors & Multi-modal Hubs
Project focus – Smart Transport Corridors & Multi-modal Hubs Smarter GreenVillages Development Automated/Assisted shuttles (aTaxis) Automated Transit Network (ATN) system (Clemson & Greenville) Electric cars, Proterra buses & Swamp Rabbit Trail

5 Downtown Greenville to Mauldin Potential Connectivity of attractors

6 CUICAR Master plan and ecosystem
GTC Center for Manufacturing Innovation Fisher Middle STEM School Advanced Automation EcoSystem Partners Include Greenville Tech Manufacturing Innovation Center plus Middle & High School STEM Centers on the CU-ICAR Periphery

7 Greenville westside: Legacy Focus

8 Global Autonomous Vehicle Partnership - Art Shulman
Opportunities Selected one of ten Envision America Communities Active Transportation Cluster at Global City Team Challenge One of 78 USDOT Smart City Challenge Applicants Featured as a NACo Connected County & Transportation Innovation County VW ZEV/ Electrify America Applied for ZEV Charging & Awareness Grant GHA Healthy Greenville 2036 – Improved NEM Access with A-POD Transport Global Autonomous Vehicle Partnership - Art Shulman

9 Global Autonomous Vehicle Partnership
Scott Case, Founder and CEO Art Shulman, Executive Director Goal: Promote Autonomous Vehicles -Transform America’s Transportation by 2040 Great Benefits – Why Not Sooner? Keys: Deploy AV on public streets in a mid-size metropolitan area like Greenville Collect data and improve performance Expand districts across Greenville Metro Urbanized Area Develop a guidebook for success and Replicate in other areas Challenge Greenville to Raise $2 Million for AV Development - or Lose Opportunity

10 Thank You! Questions?

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