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Bronze Duke of Edinburgh Award

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1 Bronze Duke of Edinburgh Award
Welcome! Bronze Duke of Edinburgh Award Mrs Knight

2 This information slide show is for parents and carers of S3 pupils who have expressed an interest in completing the Bronze Duke of Edinburgh Award. Please read through this information with your child, and discuss the commitment that is required by them to complete the award.

3 The Duke of Edinburgh Bronze Award is an award scheme which will last approximately until next autumn. The Award Scheme has an aim to encourage co-operation, independence and a sense of adventure in young adults. It is an award suitable for anyone between the ages of 14 and 25 regardless of ability. The Award recognises and celebrates the attainment of targets that the participants themselves, have set.

4 What does the Award involve?
Each young person must choose one of the following sections to be followed for 6 months, and the other 2 sections for 3 months. volunteering physical skill They must also complete an expedition.

5 Volunteering Undertaking a service for an individual or for the community. Eg, helping to coach mountain biking. being a weekly visitor to an older person Helping out a a radio station being a Cairngorm National Park Junior Ranger

6 Improving in an area of sport, dance or fitness activities
Physical Improving in an area of sport, dance or fitness activities Eg, mountain biking with friends and learning how to do jumps playing in golf competitions go to the swimming pool every week learn to ride a horse

7 Skills Developing practical and social skills, and personal interests
Eg, learning the bagpipes maintaining a pond in the garden and learning about pond life. joining the school choir

8 Commitment for sections
It is important to point out that it is the individual pupil’s responsibility to plan, organise and keep up their three chosen sections out of school time. They will also be responsible for collecting required evidence for each section from a named person, and uploading this to their online D of E profile. Although school staff will support pupils in making choices for their sections, it then becomes the pupil’s responsibility to complete these sections.

9 Expedition The young person must also plan, train and complete two adventurous journeys. They will train, travel and camp in small groups of 4-7 pupils. These journeys must take 2 days, with one night’s camp. This expedition will take place within the Strathspey area.

10 Training Training will take place in school on Monday lunchtimes (the day could be changed on discussion) and on some Friday afternoons. Training will be delivered by qualified staff and will include all aspects of the expedition including navigation and route-planning, campcraft and first aid. Participants are expected to attend all training sessions. This is on a 2 strikes and you are out basis unless not in school.

11 Pupils must complete one practice journey, one practice expedition and one qualifying expedition.
The qualifying expedition will be assessed by an accredited assessor.

12 Pupils will be expected to be dropped off at their start point and picked up at the end of their expeditions. It is expected that pupils will be able to share lifts as much as possible and these points will be made as local as we can. Pupils will be expected to provide their own food and drink for the expeditions, and for camp food training within school. Pupils will be asked to pay for fuel for the camping stoves.

13 What will the Award cost?
There will be a £30 fee to cover registration and training materials. There may be additional costs for individual pupils depending on the chosen activities, eg, first aid course, music lessons. Pupils will be expected to provide the following for their expeditions: Sleeping bags and mats One first aid kit per group Camp stove fuel Transport for themselves to and from expeditions Food

14 What commitment is needed by the pupils?
Pupils must attend all meetings unless absent from school. Pupils must be responsible for organising and keeping up with their chosen skill, physical activity and voluntary work. Pupils are responsible for keeping up to date with their online logbook. Pupils are responsible for sourcing any equipment that the school is not able to provide. Pupils must be polite and cheerful as much as possible!

15 Why is the Duke of Edinburgh Award useful? Personal Development
Learn new skills and gain new experience Increase confidence Help others Excellent addition to CV Advantage over other candidates for jobs or courses. Make new friends Chance to progress to Silver and Gold Awards.

16 There are 3 levels of the D of E Award:
Bronze – the young person must be 14 years of age to start. Silver – the young person must be 15 years of age to start. Gold – the young person must be 16 years of age to start.

17 Photos of previous expeditions







24 What happens next? Pupils have been issued with a letter. If they would like to put their name forward for the Award, they should return the reply slip on the letter to Mrs Knight ASAP. We will let everyone know who are in the final groups next week.

25 Find out more at…

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