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Reproductive Health Uganda

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1 Reproductive Health Uganda
Simon Richard Mugenyi Reproductive Health Uganda Eva Nakimuli Partners in Population and Development Africa Regional Office (PPD ARO) Remember to insert your institution and partner logos

2 Major Advocacy Wins The Government of Uganda prioritises FP in the five-year Uganda GFF business investment plan AFP priority districts in Uganda allocate funds to increase family planning uptake: UGX6 million for Soroti; UGX5 million for Zombo; Mbale allocates 4% of locally generated revenue; UGX15 million for Mubende district; Kanungu district allocates UGX30,000,000 Government of Uganda through the National Population Council agrees to host a comprehensive FP tracking framework- June 10, 2016 Spotlight 2-3 major advocacy accomplishments. Participants will receive a full list of quick wins per country – what key achievements do you want them to remember? Name of Presentation AN EVIDENCE-BASED ADVOCACY INITIATIVE 2

3 Ongoing objectives National Objectives
A Comprehensive Family Planning (FP) Tracking Framework developed The National Drug Authority (NDA) accredits regulated drug shop operators to offer FP services- information and commodities by March 2016 Subnational Objective Eight of the 12 AFP target districts set FP policy objectives to implement the costed implementation plan for family planning by October 2016 Don’t list everything – discuss the 3-4 major objectives you are focusing on this year. Remember that participants will receive a copy of the full advocacy objectives for each partner in a separate handout. We are reducing so that they fit well on our plat form. Yes, we are most likely to achieve this. The next step is for endorsement by the Name of Presentation AN EVIDENCE-BASED ADVOCACY INITIATIVE 3

4 Advocacy Wins to Impact
At subnational level- after engaging the district leaders- they embraced and appreciated the importance of FP, consequently allocating funds for FP activities Mukono continued to allocate funds to FP, i.e., UGX6.5 million for FY2016/2017 Nebbi continued to allocate UGX10 million Soroti has allocated UGX6 million Zombo allocated about UGX5 million Mbale allocated 4% of locally generated revenue Mubende allocated UGX15 million Kanungu allocated UGX30,000,000 Increased CPR in AFP Uganda priority districts: from 20% in 2011 to 49% in 2016 in Mbale, from 10% in 2006 to over 60% in 2016 for Gulu, and from 23% in 2012 to 46% in 2016 for Mukono Show how your quick win is achieving impact – either through budgets allocated, stock-outs reduced, services improving, contraceptive use increasing, etc. THESE REPEAT THE MAJOR ADVOCACY WINS SLIDE IN MANY WAYS. I WOULD MERGE THE TWO AND USE THIS SLIDE TO PRESENT SOME OF THE RECENT PMA2020 DATA.  Or, consider displaying how a quick win has led to impact, for example by displaying a results cascade on this slide. You might also want to display PMA2020 data on a separate slide to reinforce your point on linking advocacy to impact Name of Presentation AN EVIDENCE-BASED ADVOCACY INITIATIVE 4

5 QUICK WIN AFP priority districts in Uganda allocate funds to increase family planning uptake November 2013 – October 2015 Outcome 3 District councils (district parliaments) buy-in on FP action plans, and commit resources/formulate resolutions to improve FP uptake in their districts March – July 2014 Outcome 1 District leaders embrace the importance of FP as a development driver, and document FP/RH situation/gaps in their district budgets and plans/programming Jan Oct 2014 Outcome 2 District stakeholders identified priority FP activities, develop action plans, draft budgets, and attain partners commitments Jan Oct 2014 Impact Increased CPR in AFP Uganda districts: from 20% in 2011 to 49% in 2016 in Mbale, from 10% in 2006 to over 60% in 2016 for Gulu, and from 23% in 2012 to 46% in 2016 for Mukono Date: June 2016 Validation Source: District FP/RH reports 2015/2016 Outcome 3 AFP Uganda team follow-up with districts and partners including facilitating MPs to monitor FP service delivery and dialogue with district leadership and stakeholders Jan 2014 – October 2015 Uganda

6 Challenge/Opportunity: Life After Elections
Allocation is one thing. Spending is another. Tracking and accountability is a priority Political electioneering period between October 2015 and May 2016 affected advocacy activities New policymakers: Lost FP champions in Parliament, new friends in ministries and NPC Sayana Press is on the horizon. Introduction of Sayana Press is another opportunity Discuss a challenge to/opportunity for your advocacy or pose a question that you would like answered. Name of Presentation AN EVIDENCE-BASED ADVOCACY INITIATIVE 6

7 Where AFP Works & Main Partners
Reproductive Health Uganda/IPPF Partners in Population & Development, Africa Regional Office Uganda Family Planning Consortium Samasha Medical Foundation ICFP workshop partners FHI360 National Population Council Include an image of where you work in your country, or other images/photos, charts, or graphics YOU SHOULD ADD WHERE YOU PLAN TO EXPAND IN ANOTHER COLOR. Name of Presentation AN EVIDENCE-BASED ADVOCACY INITIATIVE 7

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