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Ms. Dean’s Policies & Procedures

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1 Ms. Dean’s Policies & Procedures
5th grade Math and Science Ms. Dean’s Policies & Procedures

2 Grade Level Expectations and Consequences
5th Grade Expectations: I am on time and where I am supposed to be. I am dressed in SSA. I am prepared with homework and materials. I am actively engaged and on task. I am positive and kind in my choices. Consequences: Verbal warning Strike 1 seat change Strike 2 student conference Strike 3 parent or phone call home/miss portion of Fun Friday Office referral

3 What do I do in the mornings when I arrive?
1. Put backpack, lunch box, and personal electronics away in your locker before entering the classroom. 2.Come to class with your pencil, finished homework, agenda, and your composition notebook if you took it home the night before. You will not take it home every night. 3.If you get breakfast from the cafeteria, you will eat your breakfast at your assigned seat. It must be finished and thrown away by the time announcements are over. 4. When you enter the room, you can turn in any assignments into the proper basket and then go straight to your assigned seat. There will be absolutely no running around or horseplay in the classroom.

4 What do I do during morning announcements/Big Bluey News?
Stay silent and listen to announcements. While you are listening, you will write the Today I Will statement and Homework assignment for Math and Science in your agenda. After you write in your agenda you will begin working on your DMR.

5 What is a DMR? Daily Math Review.
Daily Math Review’s will be done at the beginning of each class period. You will have about 5 minutes to work on the 3-4 math problems independently, and then we ill spend about 5 minutes going over them. Friday’s will be a task instead of 3-4 problems. All DMR’s for 1 week will be on 1 sheet of paper that you will receive every Monday morning and turn in on Friday for a grade. This should be an easy 100, as we will go over all the problems as a class each day. It is your responsibility to complete the work. These will stay in the classroom and passed back out to you everyday so it will not get lost.

6 Today’s DMR! 2. How old am I? 1. How many kids do I have? 3 x 9
FIGURE ME OUT! Solve the problems In blue to learn more about Ms. Dean! 2.  How old am I? 3 x 9 1.  How many kids do I have? Zero divided by 128 3. My shoe size. 16 2 5. How many years I've been married.  9 + 10 - 9 4. My birthdate. 36-9 6. How many siblings do I have? 25 divided by 5 7. How many states have I visited? 121 divided by 11

7 Do partner interviews…
Questions you could ask: Where are you from? Do you play any sports? Do you have brothers and/or sisters? What’s your favorite hobby? What are you most excited about in Middle School?

8 What do I do when I forget a pencil?
Guess what, Ms. Dean will have plenty of pencils in the bucket by the door for you that are already sharpened! So just grab one. If your pencil breaks during class, raise your hand and Ms. Dean will bring you a sharpened one. If you borrow one of Ms. Dean’s pencils, please try to remember to return it to the bucket at the end of class. What do I do when I forget a pencil?

9 How do I get my missed work when I am absent?
1. All DMRs, Homework, and class assignments that are taken up will be uploaded to the Weebly website. You will be able to download them and print them off. 2. Also, check the absent work folders for extra copies of missed assignments.

10 What do I do when I have to use the restroom?
1. Use the bathroom in the mornings before class and after Physical Activity/Recess to avoid missing important class time. 2. If it is an emergency and you absolutely have to go during class, raise your hand to ask for permission. When you go, that will result in Ms. Dean gaining a point for the day.

11 What is the Teacher vs. Class board?
Everyday is a battle. Teacher vs. Students. Students earn a point when: all students are actively engaged in their work and class activities all students respond to call backs the first time all students turn in their homework all students stay in class the entire time all students are on time and prepared with proper materials The teacher earns a point when: Some students aren’t paying attention and are being a distraction When 5 or more students don’t turn in their homework When 3 or more students receive strikes for misbehaving in one class When students are late and not prepared for class When students don’t respond to call backs the first time

12 Point system continued…
At the end of the class period, whoever has more tally’s or points, the teacher or the class wins! If the class wins, you will get a letter towards SUCCESS. Once the class spells the word, you will earn a party. Ms. Dean is the judge and point giver, if you argue with her about a point, she will then give herself a point. So be a good student, pay attention, at least try your assignments, and you will be rewarded! 

13 What do I do when I need to throw something away?
If you have trash at your desk, you will leave it on your desk until a break or until the end of the class period. You will not get up in the middle of instruction or an activity to throw something away.

14 What do I do at the end of the class?
Anytime we are getting ready to leave to go somewhere, students will be dismissed from class a table at a time. You will not all get up and go at the same time. Ms. Dean’s homeroom: When it is time for lunch, Ms. Dean will dismiss you a table at time to go get your lunch box and then you will come back in the classroom. After everyone has their lunches from their lockers, we will line up a table at a time and walk in a straight line to the cafeteria. Mrs. Jolley’s homeroom: When it is time for PLT, you will be dismissed a table at a time to go get all of your belongings out of your lockers to go home, and then report to PLT.

15 What to do when there is a visitor in the classroom?
Continue working on assignment or activity. Do not stop what you are doing and ask “Why is he/she in here?” or “Who is that?”

16 What are birdie bills and what can I do with them?
Birdie bills are a school wide reward system. Teachers will give them out when they see students being respectful, being prepared, doing random acts of kindness, etc. Students are required to keep up with their own birdie bills. Ms. Dean has a birdie bill menu in her classroom, and students will be able to cash in their birdie bills on Friday mornings from 8:40-8:55. If you miss a cash in time or if we are not in school on a Friday, you will have to wait until the next Friday.

17 Ms. Dean’s Birdie Bill Menu:
5 birdie bills: You get to choose a CLEAN song to play in the class during independent or group work receive a piece of candy from Ms. Dean’s treat box. 10 birdie bills: You get to sit in the teacher’s chair for 30 minutes and receive a piece of candy from Ms. Dean’s treat box. 15 birdie bills: You get to trade seats with whoever you want for 1 day and receive a piece of candy from Ms. Dean’s treat box. 20 birdie bills: You get a homework pass receive a piece of candy from Ms. Dean’s treat box.

18 Yes, you will have homework, and it will count as 10% of your class grade.
Math Mania will be the title of your homework that you will receive at the beginning of each week. You will turn these in on the following Monday. Therefore, you have an entire week to finish this homework. For Science, we will rarely have homework, but that does not mean we will NEVER have homework. Will we have homework?

19 Other things to go over in the classroom…
Sinks and eyewash station Noise Levels Ipad Cart Call backs Fun Friday

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