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GBS Performance Assessment Framework (PAF) 2009

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1 GBS Performance Assessment Framework (PAF) 2009
Presentation for the DPG on March 3, 2009

2 Contents PAF 2009 – the process PAF 2009 – main features
Linkages to MKUKUTA/MKUZA review Proposed new dialogue structure and PAF monitoring Linkages between Key Issue sessions and PAF 2009

3 PAF 2009 – the process DPs started working on draft PAF in September
Following GBS annual review, GBS Troika+ and the PSs met to agree on the contents Follow up in Jan-Feb to finalise annual targets for outcome indicators and on TPAs for agriculture and anti-corruption Overall, drafting a balanced PAF has been a challenge given efforts to streamline and make it more ”smart” this year

4 PAF 2009 – main features TPAs
Less than in previous PAF’s –instead of 32 TPAs last year the PAF 2009 has 25 TPAs Focus on strategic and better defined TPAs (port congestion, energy, issues in agriculture, improving PFM systems) based on GBS AR 2008 Focus on Cluster 1 with 8 TPAs due to focus on growth Focus on Cluster 3 with 8 TPAs due to lack of M&E systems in the Cluster

5 PAF 2009 – Main features Outcome indicators
-More in numbers, many gender disaggregated but require more work for data collection -Challenges with agreeing on realistic annualised targets, now agreed for next 3 years -In some cases PAF targets differ from (unrealistic) MKUKUTA targets -Focus on Cluster 2 (14 outcome indicators) and Cluster 1 (11 outcome indicators) where emphasis is on results on growth and service delivery

6 Linkages to MKUKUTA/MKUZA review
GBS AR 2008 produced from Key Issue sessions a number of agreed actions that were considered as part of inputs to MKUKUTA/MKUZA dailogue in > GoT and DPs will jointly monitor progress on these areas One of the Annexes required for GBS AR report is the draft MKUKUTA/MKUZA review roadmap GBS PAF 2009 has MKUKUTA2 preparation as an underlying process

7 Proposed new dialogue structure and PAF Monitoring
PAF Monitoring will be done through CWG meetings and PER Main meetings after each round of CWG meetings Semi-annual Joint Coordination Group meetings can together with discussions of other issues be used for decision-making on AR key issues (June) and PAF 2010 (November)

8 Linkages between Key Issue sessions and PAF 2009
In PAF 2009, 13 TPAs are linked to discussion in key issue session of AR 2008 Linked to poverty session: Tanzania Statistical Master Plan approved by Cabinet Linked to equity and efficiency in service delivery session: In response to Medium-Term Pay Policy the inter-ministerial task force (including PO-PSM, MoFEA, PMO-RALG, MoHSW, MoEVT) has drafted 1) a comprehensive roadmap that provide incentives for frontline workers in underserved areas through central and local levels, and 2) measures limiting additional recruits to better served areas, by October 2009 GoT approves Medium-Term Pay Policy and Targets by June 2009

9 Linkages between Key Issue sessions and PAF 2009
Linked to business environment and agricultural transformation discussion: Government improves port congestion situation by three key measures by June 2009: i)Tanzania Ports Authority presents a time-bound action plan for moving to Landlord Status; ii) TPA to submit a solid proposal to SUMATRA to approve increase in port storage tariffs and reduction in free time; and iii) GOV establish own area for impounded containers By October 2009, the Investment and Private Sector Development Department in Prime Minister's Office: i) has mainstreamed Regulatory Impact Assessments in Government Systems, ii) effectively advises Government on the impact on business of proposed policies and legislation, and iii) proposes new measures to improve the business environment

10 Linkages between Key Issue sessions and PAF 2009
Linked to business environment and agricultural transformation discussion cont: Completion of land registry, and land information assessment study; and agreement on an action plan to implement studys recommendations in order to improve land records management and to speed up land registration by October 2009 Irrigation policy formulated and approved by October 2009 Update FIAS study paying particular attention to regulations and local taxes affecting agriculture by June 2009 and undertake consultations and agree to an action plan by October 2009 based on the findings and recommendations of the study

11 Linkages between Key Issue sessions and PAF 2009
Linked to Macro/PFM discussion: Implementation of fast-track IFMS actions by Accountant Generals' Department, pending the completion by September 2009 of a full action plan following the NAO report. Implement new GFS economic and functional classification by June 2009 Linked to anti-corruption session: Continued implementation of the EPA action plan including (i) the BoT corporate plan that supports the refocusing of the BoT on its core activities and (ii) agreement between the MoF and the BoT on the management of any remaining EPA claims by September 2009 PCCB Strategic plan to be made public and PCCB to finalise National Governance and corruption Survey by July 2009. GOT to maintain efforts to fight corruption at all levels, including the conclusion of grand corruption investigations.

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