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Reception Class 2017-18.

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Presentation on theme: "Reception Class 2017-18."— Presentation transcript:

1 Reception Class

2 Welcome….. Mrs Fall – Headteacher Miss Milne - Deputy Head
Mrs Galton - SENDCO Miss Hardwick – Administrator

3 St Luke’s Church of England School…
opened in 2011 and will accommodate 105 children, 15 in each year group with children from Y1 to Y6 taught in three mixed age classes (Y1/2, Y3/4, Y5/6) was set up in response to local demand – admissions are based on proximity to the school is a state funded free school: all our staff are fully qualified the school is subject to Ofsted inspections and statutory examinations is monitored by Camden and the London Diocesan Board for Schools follows the National Curriculum, but has freedom to enrich with music, languages, arts, sports etc.

4 “Treat one another like you would like to be treated yourself.”
National 2016 St Luke’s 2016 Reception % reaching ‘Good Level Development’ 60* (2015) 82 Year 1 Phonics % at required standard 81 87 Year 2 SATS: % reaching expected standard in Reading Writing Maths 73 65 83 100 80

5 SLS Roles, Responsibilities & Opportunities

6 Smooth Transitions are essential
Reception Welcome Afternoon before children start school Liaison with nursery/pre-school Home visit Smaller groups and half days for 2 weeks 2 meetings after children start - Reception Evening - Phonics Workshop Open door policy Parents’ Evenings in November, February and July

7 FAQ: Breakfast Club and After School clubs
Monday – French and Sports Tuesday – Sports and Art Wednesday – Karate Thursday – Sports, Science, Homework Friday – Drama

8 FAQ: Admissions Make sure the form is in before 15 January 2017. You can apply online from 1 September.  Put the school you really want first. If you are offered a place for a school on your list but it is not your first choice, take it. You will automatically be placed on the waiting lists for schools ABOVE the one offered. Don’t panic - there is always a lot of movement! Whether Camden or Barnet, admissions for SLS are always distance from school (after looked after and siblings).

9 Inspection of Anglican Schools
“I love coming to St Luke’s – school is fun, the work is sometimes hard and sometimes easier… I like playtime because all the children are nice to play with.” Year 1 child “St Luke’s is a warm, happy and welcoming school, where everyone appears valued and respected…. there is a positive learning atmosphere in all classes”. Camden Advisor "The school is having a significant impact on the spiritual, moral, social and cultural development of all children.” Inspection of Anglican Schools “The school is a secure place to learn and creates a friendly, welcoming and productive ethos …. There is no complacency about this success, but a clear passion for continued improvement.” Ofsted

10 The right school for you and your family…..? Any questions?

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