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Year Four Week 2 Focus ‘tude’.

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Presentation on theme: "Year Four Week 2 Focus ‘tude’."— Presentation transcript:

1 Year Four Week 2 Focus ‘tude’

2 The Rule tude It is a quadgraph because it has four letters (t, u, d, e) making one sound (tude) It is a syllable It is always the final syllable in a word

3 altitude attitude

4 latitude longitude

5 gratitude magnitude Eg the relative size of an object

6 solitude multitude

7 altitude a-l-t-i-tude Sounds: 5 Quadgraphs: tude
(dot for graphs & underline for digraphs) Quadgraphs: tude Syllables: al / ti / tude = 3

8 attitude a-tt-i-tude Sounds: 4 Digraphs: tt Quadgraphs: tude
(dot for graphs & underline for digraphs) Digraphs: tt Quadgraphs: tude Syllables: att / i / tude = 3

9 latitude l-a-t-i-tude Sounds: 5 Quadgraphs: tude
(dot for graphs & underline for digraphs) Quadgraphs: tude Syllables: lat / i / tude = 3

10 longitude l-o-ng-i-tude Sounds: 5 Digraphs: ng Quadgraphs: tude
(dot for graphs & underline for digraphs) Digraphs: ng Quadgraphs: tude Syllables: long / i / tude = 3

11 gratitude g-r-a-t-i-tude Sounds: 6 Quadgraphs: tude
(dot for graphs & underline for digraphs) Quadgraphs: tude Syllables: grat / i / tude = 3

12 magnitude m-a-g-n-i-tude Sounds: 6 Quadgraphs: tude
(dot for graphs & underline for digraphs) Quadgraphs: tude Syllables: mag / ni / tude = 3

13 solitude s-o-l-i-tude Sounds: 5 Quadgraphs: tude
(dot for graphs & underline for digraphs) Quadgraphs: tude Syllables: sol / i / tude = 3

14 multitude m-u-l-t-i-tude Sounds: 6 Quadgraphs: tude
(dot for graphs & underline for digraphs) Quadgraphs: tude Syllables: mul / ti / tude = 3

15 Spell word, count sounds, count syllables, explain meanings, put in sentences, give synonym/antonym, give another word ending with tude altitude

16 Spell word, count sounds, count syllables, explain meanings, put in sentences, give synonym/antonym, give another word ending with tude attitude

17 Spell word, count sounds, count syllables, explain meanings, put in sentences, give synonym/antonym, give another word ending with tude latitude

18 Spell word, count sounds, count syllables, explain meanings, put in sentences, give synonym/antonym, give another word ending with tude gratitude

19 Spell word, count sounds, count syllables, explain meanings, put in sentences, give synonym/antonym, give another word ending with tude magnitude

20 Spell word, count sounds, count syllables, explain meanings, put in sentences, give synonym/antonym, give another word ending with tude solitude

21 Spell word, count sounds, count syllables, explain meanings, put in sentences, give synonym/antonym, give another word ending with tude multitude

22 tude altitude attitude latitude longitude gratitude magnitude solitude

23 Meanings Altitude – height measured between a reference point and an object or point Attitude - an expression that someone uses towards a person, place, thing etc Latitude - a geographic coordinate specifying the north/south position Longitude - a geographic coordinate specifying the east/west position Gratitude - thankfulness or gratefulness, a feeling of appreciation Magnitude - the relevant size of an object, a term for size or length Solitude – a state of seclusion or isolation, being alone without being lonely Multitude – a large number (crowd,mass)

24 Meanings match – draw a line to match the words to the meaning.
The height measured between a reference point and an object or point An expression that someone uses towards a person, place, thing etc A geographic coordinate specifying the north/south position A geographic coordinate specifying the east/west position Thankfulness or gratefulness, a feeling of appreciation The relevant size of an object, a term for size or length A state of seclusion or isolation, being alone without being lonely A large number (crowd,mass) Magnitude Altitude Gratitude Longitude Attitude Solitude Latitude Multitude

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