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“Temperature-Aware Task Scheduling for Multicore Processors”

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Presentation on theme: "“Temperature-Aware Task Scheduling for Multicore Processors”"— Presentation transcript:

1 “Temperature-Aware Task Scheduling for Multicore Processors”
This slides presents title of the proposed project State also the purpose and your name Optionally thank your audience “Temperature-Aware Task Scheduling for Multicore Processors” Masters Thesis Proposal by Myname Myname

2 Temperature-Aware Task Scheduling
This slides presents an outline of the presentation Presentation Overview Thesis Motivation Thesis Aim and Innovation Thesis Contributions and Objectives The Temperature-Aware Task Scheduling Unit Evaluation Methodology Work Planning Temperature-Aware Task Scheduling Costas Kyriacou

3 Motivation: The Temperature Wall Problem
This slides presents your thesis motivation. Start with the problem and state why it is essential to address it Processor Performance Measure of the execution time of application programs Dominated by Processor Architecture Clock Frequency Processor Power Consumption Depends on Processor Voltage Processor Activity Type of instructions executed The decimal system needs ten distinct symblos or states0 to 9. This can not be supported by digital electronics. Temperature-Aware Task Scheduling Costas Kyriacou

4 Motivation: The Temperature Wall Problem (Cont.)
This slides presents your thesis motivation. Start with the problem and state why it is essential to address it The Temperature Wall Problem Increase performance by increasing Clock Frequency Increase in Clock Frequency increases Power Consumption Power Consumption converted to Heat and Temperature Increase Reduce Clock Frequency to Cool Processor, thus Reduce Performance  Need another way to keep processor’s temperature low The decimal system needs ten distinct symblos or states0 to 9. This can not be supported by digital electronics. Temperature-Aware Task Scheduling Costas Kyriacou

5 Motivation: Task Scheduling on Multicore Processors
This slides presents your thesis motivation. Start with the problem and state why it is essential to address it Multicore Processors Achieve higher performance using More than one simpler processors (Cores) Operating in Parallel Task Assignment to Cores affects Hardware Complexity Processor Performance Existing Task Assignment Methodologies: Round Robin Cache Affinity The decimal system needs ten distinct symblos or states0 to 9. This can not be supported by digital electronics.  Consider Core Temperature in deciding on Task Assignment Temperature-Aware Task Scheduling Costas Kyriacou

6 Thesis Aim This slides presents your proposed solution to the problem. Justify also why Design, Implement and Evaluate a Temperature-Aware Task Scheduling System for Multi-core Processors Tasks assigned to the idle core with lowest temperature Thus, avoid overheating the processor ……….. ………………. The decimal system needs ten distinct symblos or states0 to 9. This can not be supported by digital electronics. Temperature-Aware Task Scheduling Costas Kyriacou

7 Thesis Innovation This slides presents your thesis innovation. Thesis innovation must be clearly stated. It affects the final assessment of your proposal The proposed task scheduling system is innovative, Schedule task according to the temperature of each core, Avoid reducing the clock frequency, Thus avoid performance degrading. ……. The decimal system needs ten distinct symblos or states0 to 9. This can not be supported by digital electronics. Temperature-Aware Task Scheduling Costas Kyriacou

8 Thesis Contributions This slides presents your contributions. Your contributions must be clearly stated from the beginning. (a) Design the Temperature-Aware Task Scheduling Unit. (a1) Development of the Hardware modules needed to record the temperature at the surface of each core of the processor chip determine the lowest of the temperatures of the idle cores. (a2) Development of a compiler preprocessor that will annotate each thread with its computation and data access characteristics. (b) Evaluate the Temperature-Aware Task Scheduling Unit. (b1) …… (b2) ….. The decimal system needs ten distinct symblos or states0 to 9. This can not be supported by digital electronics. Temperature-Aware Task Scheduling Costas Kyriacou

9 Addressing the Temperature Wall Problem
This is the related work section. Use one slide for each method presented in the Background section of the Proposal report ……… The decimal system needs ten distinct symblos or states0 to 9. This can not be supported by digital electronics. Temperature-Aware Task Scheduling Costas Kyriacou

10 Task Scheduling on Multicore Processor
This is the related work section. Use one slide for each method presented in the Background section of the Proposal report ……… The decimal system needs ten distinct symblos or states0 to 9. This can not be supported by digital electronics. Temperature-Aware Task Scheduling Costas Kyriacou

11 Temperature-Aware Task Scheduling Unit
This slide is an introduction to the proposed Task Scheduling Unit. It should outline its main features ……… The decimal system needs ten distinct symblos or states0 to 9. This can not be supported by digital electronics. Temperature-Aware Task Scheduling Costas Kyriacou

12 Temperature-Aware Task Scheduling Unit (cont)
Use a diagram to explain the concept. You may use animations The decimal system needs ten distinct symblos or states0 to 9. This can not be supported by digital electronics. Temperature-Aware Task Scheduling Costas Kyriacou

13 Evaluation Methodology
This slide should outline the evaluation Methodology ……… The decimal system needs ten distinct symblos or states0 to 9. This can not be supported by digital electronics. Temperature-Aware Task Scheduling Costas Kyriacou

14 The Task Scheduling Prototype
This slide should provide information on the Prototype. Refer to hardware and Software Platforms to be used Clarify if available ……… The decimal system needs ten distinct symblos or states0 to 9. This can not be supported by digital electronics. Temperature-Aware Task Scheduling Costas Kyriacou

15 Software Benchmarks ………
This slide should provide the characteristics/requirements of the software benchmarks to be used for the evaluation If these benchmarks are already known, then name them and justify their selection ……… The decimal system needs ten distinct symblos or states0 to 9. This can not be supported by digital electronics. Temperature-Aware Task Scheduling Costas Kyriacou

16 Implementation Methodology: Work-Package 1
List the Work-Packages/tasks and Deliverables provided in the Proposal report Use more than one slides if necessary ……… The decimal system needs ten distinct symblos or states0 to 9. This can not be supported by digital electronics. Temperature-Aware Task Scheduling Costas Kyriacou

17 Implementation Schedule: Gantt Chart
The decimal system needs ten distinct symblos or states0 to 9. This can not be supported by digital electronics. Temperature-Aware Task Scheduling Costas Kyriacou

18 Conclusions This slide should outline the main points described in the Conclusions section of the Proposal Report You must be enthusiastic about the proposed work ……… The decimal system needs ten distinct symblos or states0 to 9. This can not be supported by digital electronics. Temperature-Aware Task Scheduling Costas Kyriacou

19 Thank you The decimal system needs ten distinct symblos or states0 to 9. This can not be supported by digital electronics. Costas Kyriacou

20 Extra Rescue Slides The decimal system needs ten distinct symblos or states0 to 9. This can not be supported by digital electronics. Costas Kyriacou

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