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Social Studies 2.0: Inquiry and LCE

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1 Social Studies 2.0: Inquiry and LCE
) Social Studies 2.0: Inquiry and LCE

2 Goals Examine what inquiry looks like in a social studies classroom.
Compare inquiry with LCE. Apply discipline-specific habits and dispositions to enhance student inquiry in the social studies classroom. Compare ways technology can enhance social studies inquiry.

3 Student groups brainstorm questions about a given historical artifact.
Is this Inquiry? Student groups brainstorm questions about a given historical artifact. We can show them several examples that really are “maybe” inquiry. We’ll have them vote if each example demonstrates student inquiry. With each example, we’ll examine it to develop a list of characteristics for inquiry, including: Effective use of questioning Using discipline-specific tools and thinking to solve problems Real-world relevancy Student collaboration Evaluating validity of sources Presentation of findings Critical thinking

4 Is this Inquiry? Students construct a scaled map of the neighborhood surrounding their school.

5 The teacher asks students questions about a current event article.
Is this Inquiry? The teacher asks students questions about a current event article.

6 Is this Inquiry? Students share PowerPoint presentations on a chosen political controversy.

7 Students conduct debate over the annexation of the Philippines.
Is this Inquiry? Students conduct debate over the annexation of the Philippines.

8 Is this inquiry? Students sort through a variety of informational texts to support their research paper’s thesis statement.

9 Inquiry is… This is the image we can display talking about the design of C3 to promote inquiry and how it can be used to guide planning and implementing inquiry in the classroom. The google definitions are “an act of asking for information,” or “an official investigation.”

10 Dimension 1 Dimension 4 Dimension 2 Dimension 3 Questions Conclusions
Skills & processes (Civics, Geo., Econ., History) Dimension 3 Sources Dimension 4 Conclusions C3 is based around 4 dimensions Dimension 1 = questioning Dimension 2 = content Civics Economics Geography History Dimension 3 = sources and sourcing Dimension 4 = communicating conclusions and taking informed action Together, these 4 dimensions create an “inquiry arc” to drive instruction.

11 Dimension 1 Dimension 2 Dimension 3 Dimension 4 Questions
Discipline-specific Skills and Processes Dimension 3 Evaluating and applying Sources Dimension 4 Conclusions Keep in mind that the inquiry arc is not linear. It has recursive and reflective ideas and processes that require the application of several dimensions in concert.

12 Think about it… How would building inquiry methods in social studies instruction affect student engagement? What benefits does it bring to the classroom? What challenges doe it bring to the classroom? How might the inquiry approach prepare teachers and students for success in lighthouse school transform to a Learner-Centered Environment? These are just some standard questions we could use the debrief the activity. The last one leads into the next activity.

13 Inquiry v. LCE LCE Inquiry
Sort the characteristics described on each piece of paper into a Venn Diagram comparing Inquiry and a Learner Centered Classroom! I thought we could give groups slips of paper with characteristics of LCE and inquiry written on them and they have to sort into a Venn Diagram They’ll discover that inquiry and LCE have more in common then they think! It will also help them to see how/ what they’re doing to help social studies teachers (by promoting C3 inquiry.

14 Inquiry-Rich LCE Strategies:
Access the link: SocialStudiesToolbox  Select a few strategies and formats. Examine the description/example to reflect on how it promotes: Inquiry thinking Critical Thinking Learner-centered instruction I thought we could do this one of three ways: Take a variety of the strategies we already promote and have documents explaining them and put them into a blendspace or something. Have the choose some to explore and report back. Share a variety of strategies (their names). Survey them to see which ones they are less familiar and then share what those strategies look like in the classroom. Break them into groups and give each group a different inquiry lesson. Have them analyze the example to identify characteristics of LCE and Inquiry classroom. Be prepared to share!

15 Inquiry, LCE, and Technology
Have you ever played a an online game with your students? How did you use it in your lesson?

16 Game Theory- Why we play games?
Impact of Game Based Learning on Education Educational games are games explicitly designed with educational purposes, or which have incidental or secondary educational value. Games based learning provides versatility for more than one learning style, and also can affect cognitive and psychomotor skills. Sidhikka Bajpai (2013)

17 Game Theory- How to play games in class?
Target essential Academic Content Review Activities Note Taking Use of the Inquiry Method Research 21st Century Skills Class Debriefs Learner Centered

18 How will you use games in your class?
Pick one game and come up with an activity or a lesson How would you introduce it How will you have the students play the game? (Individual, small group, class) What will they do during the game? What will they do after the game Write an outline for your lesson. State the game you are using and how you would use it.

19 Game Theory, Inquiry and LCE
American Government World History World History Games Link Games for Both

20 Game Theory, Inquiry and LCE Cont…
U.S. History E.P.I. Extra Game Links

21 Reflect on today’s discussions:
Reach under your chair and find a colored sticky note. Answer the question that corresponds to the color: = What information was most helpful? = What are my next steps? = What concerns remain for me? = = What can I use to help teachers? = What will I share with someone else? This is just my standard closing activity. I like to collect the post-its in the end for feedback 

22 Questions? Ms. Renee Baylin, Office of Secondary Social Studies Mr. Howard Galowitz New Town High School @BCPS_SocialSci

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