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Recap: Lecture 1 What is asynchronous design? Why do we want to study it? What is pipelining? How can it be used to design really fast hardware?

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Presentation on theme: "Recap: Lecture 1 What is asynchronous design? Why do we want to study it? What is pipelining? How can it be used to design really fast hardware?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Recap: Lecture 1 What is asynchronous design? Why do we want to study it? What is pipelining? How can it be used to design really fast hardware?

2 Homework Problem Alice and Bob live on opposite sides of a wide river:
Alice is supposed to send a message (say, a “Yes”/”No”) across to Bob around midnight. Both have flashlights, but neither owns a watch. What should they do? Suggest several strategies, and discuss pros and cons of each.

3 Solution 1 Alice uses 2 lamps: Bob uses 1 lamp:
1 to indicate that she is ready with the message, and 1 for the message itself Bob uses 1 lamp: to indicate that he has received the message 4 phases during communication: got it yes/no Alice ready Bob

4 Solution 2 Alice uses 2 lamps: Bob uses 1 lamp:
Green lamp to indicate “yes” Red lamp to indicate “no” Bob uses 1 lamp: to indicate that he has received the message Also 4 phase communication: got it no yes Alice Bob

5 Solution 3 What if Alice and Bob could keep time?
Alice uses 1 lamp for the message: At 12 midnight: turns on lamp if message = “yes” At 12:01: turns lamp off Bob needs no lamps! Takes down the message between 12 and 12:01 Pros: Fewer signals, lesser processing needed Cons: Alice and Bob must keep their clocks closely synchronized

6 Lecture 2: Asynchronous Datapaths
How is data represented in an asynchronous system? How is information exchanged?

7 Data Representation Styles: Dual-Rail
Dual-rail: uses 2 wires per data bit bit n bit 1 bit m Each Dual-Rail Pair: provides both data value and validity provides robust data-dependent completion needs completion detectors

8 Dual-Rail (contd.) OR together 2 rails per bit
Dual-Rail Completion Detector: combines dual-rail signals indicates when all bits are valid (or reset) C-element: if all inputs=1, output  1 if all inputs=0, output  0 else, maintain output value C Done OR bit0 bit1 bitn OR together 2 rails per bit Merge results using “C-element”

9 Data Representation Styles: Single-Rail
Single-rail “Bundled Datapath”: alternative approach widely used Features: datapath: 1 wire per bit (e.g. standard sync blocks) matched delay: produces delayed “done” signal worst-case delay: longer than slowest path done indicates valid data bit 1 request bit n bit m done matched delay function block Practical style: can reuse sync components; small area Fixed (worst-case) completion time

10 Handshaking Styles: 4-phase
4-Phase: requires 4 events per handshake Request Acknowledge start event done get ready for next event ready for “Level-sensitive”  simpler logic implementation Overhead of “return-to-zero” (RTZ or resetting) extra events which do no useful computation

11 Handshaking Styles: 2-phase
2-Phase: requires 2 events per handshake Request Acknowledge start event done start next next event Elegant: no return-to-zero Slower logic implementation: logic primitives are inherently level-sensitive, not event-based (at least in CMOS)

12 Handshaking + Data Representation
Several combinations possible: dual-rail 4-phase, single-rail 4-phase, dual-rail 2-phase, and single-rail 2-phase Example: dual-rail 4-phase bit m bit 1 ack dual-rail data: functions as an implicit “request” 4-phase cycle: between acknowledge and implicit request A B

13 Other Data Representation Styles
Level-Encoded Dual-Rail (LEDR) 2 wires per bit: “data” and “phase” exactly one wire per bit changes value if new value is different, “data” wire changes value else “phase” wire change value M-of-N Codes N wires used for a data word M wires (M <= N) change value numbers used for N and M: have impact on… information transmitted, power consumed and logic complexity Knuth codes, Huffman codes, … data phase

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