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Using GIS to Plan for and Mitigate Flooding on Tribal Lands

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Presentation on theme: "Using GIS to Plan for and Mitigate Flooding on Tribal Lands"— Presentation transcript:

1 Using GIS to Plan for and Mitigate Flooding on Tribal Lands
Gila River Indian Community Department of Land Use Planning & Zoning Flood Control Engineering Section Presented by: Seaver Fields III, Project Coordinator, CFM AGIC Annual Conference Prescott, AZ September 22, 2016 Using GIS to Plan for and Mitigate Flooding on Tribal Lands

2 Overview Disclaimer Location Mission and Vision Primary Tools
Data Process and Analysis Requested Projects Special Projects Questions

3 Disclaimer Most examples shown are from the Komatke Area Drainage Master Study. Atkins, HELM, JE Fuller, & Gunn Communications are the developers of this study. This study was accepted by the Community on April 2016. Also! For purposes of being conservative, I will consider myself a beginner using GIS, CAD and the hydrologic software used to develop this presentation. I am still in training on all software, so some results are VERY preliminary. Please consider this upon critiquing results. Last but not least… a proposed project shown is conceptual and not approved by the Gila River Indian Community. I still need to weed out some issues. Your the first group to see these conceptual solutions. Consider yourself special. The results will require detailed internal and external feasibility analysis such as identifying Cultural Resources or utility conflicts. This will be forthcoming.

4 Gila River Indian Community

5 Flood Control Mission and Vision
Our Mission: To protect the people, the environment, property, save costs and reduce liability and future flood losses by creating balanced drainage systems across the Community. Our Vision: To provide uniform, efficient and self sustainable regional flood control infrastructure and non-structural projects that consider the natural characteristics of the lands while meeting or exceeding the Community’s needs for flood control.

6 Primary Tools ArcMAP GIS AutoCAD Civil 3D Flo-2D HEC-RAS 2D

7 Primary Tools ArcMAP GIS Repository of existing information:
Addressing Utilities Terrain Aerials Shapefiles Other Jurisdictions Internet Applications Pre-Process data Post-Process data Display Results

Process and Analysis Hydrologic Program Existing Conditions DATA COLLECTION AND INPUT DATA OUTPUT EXPORT Pre-Processed data

9 Process and Analysis Data Input (Collection) Aerial Photogrammetry
At a Minimum: Terrain Aerial Photogrammetry Topography from Surveyors USGS DEMs Light Detection And Ranging (LiDAR) raster(s) Rainfall data (gages) Flood Control District of Maricopa County NOAA USGS Infiltration data USDA Soil Survey for the Gila River Indian Community NRCS Web Soil Survey Shapefiles – Attribute Tables Land Characterizations (Land Uses) Assigning Manning’s ‘n’ roughness values Cross sections for discharge interests Study Boundary Structures/Utilities

10 Process and Analysis Data Input (Example)

11 2-Dimensional Unsteady State Analysis
Process and Analysis Data INput 2-Dimensional Unsteady State Analysis Tabulate Hydraulics Define Floodplain Limits Input design parameters No Hydrology, yet! Tabulate Hydrology Tabulate Hydraulics Hydrograph Development

12 Process and Analysis Data Output Hydrographs!!! Peak flows Volumes

13 Process and Analysis Data Output GIS displays results Depth Discharge
Velocity Hazard Analysis: Depth * velocity Combinations Gridded data display Flow Direction

14 Requested Projects

15 Requested Projects

16 EXPORT Pre-Processed Data
Process and Analysis Proposed Conditions Hydrologic Program DATA OUTPUT Project Design EXPORT Pre-Processed Data Export DEM Surface

17 Area Drainage Master Studies
Special Projects Area Drainage Master Studies Sacaton ADMS Casa Blanca ADMS Komatke ADMS

18 Chandler Heights Flood Mitigation Project
Special Projects Chandler Heights Flood Mitigation Project Before After

19 Komatke Regional Flood Control Project
Special Projects Komatke Regional Flood Control Project Proposed Currently

20 Questions?

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