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Power, corruption, murder, and more

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1 Power, corruption, murder, and more
The Borgia’s Power, corruption, murder, and more

2 WHO ARE THE Borgia’s? The Borgia’s- ruling family of the Papal States; late 15th early 16th centuries.

3 How does a Spanish Cardinal get appointed Pope?

4 Borgia Italy

5 Pope Alexander VI (Rodrigo Borgia)
Labeled as the “most corrupt pope to ever sit on the papal throne” Promoted the careers of son Cesare and daughter Lucrezia Used the papacy to add power to his family Annulled royal marriage alliances, withdrew from the League of Venice (Milan was then conquered; Naples too), papal appointments for French interests.

6 Cesare Borgia “Machiavelli’s Prince”
Conquered the cities of the papal states without opposition Ruthless, corrupt Killed in Spain, attempting to overtake a castle in 1507. May have killed brother Giovanni

7 Lucrezia Borgia Daughter of Alexander VI Beautiful and cunning Affairs
Notorious poisoner?

8 Giovanni (Juan) Borgia
Murdered in cold blood. Arrogant, partyer Probably the most disliked of the Borgia’s by the people of the Papal States. Duke of Gandia (Spain)

9 Gioffre Borgia Possibly had a role in the death of his brother.
Ruler of Squillace, Italy in Naples.

10 The Borgia Legacy Lucrezia Borgia has primarily been remembered as a member of the scandalous Borgia family—the daughter of the corrupt and scheming Pope Alexander VI and the sister of the immoral and most likely murderous Cesare Borgia. Rumors of incest with Cesare have chased her through the centuries, and events such as the birth of her mysterious baby, the death of her second husband at the hands of assassins, and her attendance of the Banquet of Chestnuts (an orgy hosted by Cesare Borgia involving 50 prostitutes and countless members of the clergy) have only added to the persona. But history has recently been kinder to Lucrezia, and she is now increasingly viewed as more of a pawn in the wicked games of her family than as a real participant. While she may have accepted the fruits of her family’s schemes, it is likely that her father and brother merely used her to advance their own political agendas. Lucrezia Borgia may have been as much a casualty of her family's machinations as anyone else who fell victim to them. Especially during the reign of Alexander VI, they were suspected of many crimes, including adultery, incest, simony, theft, bribery, and murder (especially murder by arsenic poisoning). Because of their grasping for power, they made enemies of the Medici, the Sforza, and the Dominican friar Savonarola, among others. They were also patrons of the arts who contributed to the Renaissance.

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