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Distributed Service Bundles

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2 Distributed Service Bundles
For Cloud Foundry Krishanu Biswas, Product & Engineering Manager, SAP

3 Motivation Today, applications are not merely client-server anymore but distributed Distributed software place challenging demands on how workloads are provisioned and consumed Cloud Foundry entails a model of app to service consumption. Apps (majorly stateless) are bound to backing services like databases, message brokers. In the enterprise space, we see more & more use-cases for service to service consumption

4 Think Change Data Capture Pipeline
Database as the single-source of truth Changes extracted from transaction or commit log Written to messaging system Constituent services in the pipeline read from the messaging system References Debeizium – open source project by RedHat, offering support for Oracle, MySQL, PostgreSQL and a few NoSQL DBs LinkedIn Databus webapp database writes kafka extract changes index cache ML monitoring

5 Example: A Simple Blogging Site
Ingest the Blogs and store the basic metadata about a blog in an RDBMS Index the text content for discovery and text based search Aggregated view on how many blogs the site received in a specific period of time (windowing) Feed the text into an ML Service for classification and clustering purposes Add/remove services in future Blogging Site Search [Elastic Search] Clustering [ML Service] Blogs Database Blogs | metadata Change Data Distributed Systems A collection of independent computers/systems/services appears to its users as a single coherent system Aggregates [Spark]

6 Distributed Service Bundles – Think Composites!
In Cloud Foundry realm, each backing service in itself is distributed and represented by an independent plan in CF marketplace Set of services bundled together creating a composite service that is deployed, un-deployed, managed, updated, operated, monitored & scaled together and thereby enabling inter-service communication allowing credential & message exchange between the constituent services Be able to flexibly modify the composition of the bundle as the business model/technology underneath changes Composition is the KEY – Allow bundling and wiring of individual services as a unit services composite service = bundle Distributed Systems A collection of independent computers/systems/services appears to its users as a single coherent system wired & deployed

7 What We Need! An automated way to provision these services as a single unit / bundle, wherein the wiring of these services is automated and controlled by a Service Broker Welcome to Service Fabrik Broker (open source) Proposed for incubation Multi-cloud Battle-tested – being used within SAP and for SAP customers for years to deploy/operate production grade BOSH and Docker services (developer only) Service Fabrik = Service Factory A set of tools which can be used to provision, manage and operate backing for Cloud Foundry applications in an automated & managed way on a variety of cloud infrastructures Distributed Systems A collection of independent computers/systems/services appears to its users as a single coherent system

8 Service Fabrik

9 Service Fabrik Advantage
Provision, manage and operate service for Cloud Foundry applications Multi-cloud: run services on OpenStack, AWS, Azure or GCP Integrated Monitoring, Alerting and (Audit) Logging In an automated & managed way [Monitoring, Logging, Security, …] Backup & Restore - automated & scheduled Managed update/upgrade Enabling seamless application development & deployment experience using backing services Battle-tested – being used within SAP and for SAP customers to deploy/operate production ready services From single node Docker service instances for development Security via CF security groups and infra security groups To multi-node highly available clustered setup for production environment

10 Sentiment Analyzer App
Demo Setup AWS Jumpbox BOSH Cloud Foundry Service Fabrik BOSH Releases Kafka, Zookeeper Postgres Redis Tweet Ingesting App Postgres Transaction Log Kafka Database #tags | metadata Sentiment Analyzer App

11 Call to action Stay Tuned!!! Try SAP Cloud Platform
Find out more on Service Know More About SAP’s Contributions to Cloud Foundry Stay Tuned!!!

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