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Exploring LynxOS By How-Shen Chang.

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Presentation on theme: "Exploring LynxOS By How-Shen Chang."— Presentation transcript:

1 Exploring LynxOS By How-Shen Chang

2 What is LynxOS? Hard real-time operating system (RTOS) UNIX-compatible
Full POSIX conformance (Portable Operating System Interface)—assures code portability between systems Multiprocessing Multithreaded

3 Why LynxOS is RTOS? Designed for absolute determinism
Supports multiple applications with multiple interrupting devices Usually used on information of sensitive nature

4 Hardware characteristics
Processor support: Motorola: PowerPC (PPC 601, 603, 604), PowerPC G3 (PPC 75x), PowerPC G4 (PPC 7400,7410,74xx) with Altivec Support, PowerPC IBM 405,440. Intel: x86(IA-32) Architecture (and compatible). MIPS Xscale ARM9

5 Kernel features Multitasking and multithreaded RTOS
Complete MMU based protected address spaces for tasks Four scheduling policies (FIFO, Priority Quantum, Round-Robin, Non-preemptive) Configurable time quantum for priority levels Configurable tick timer resolution

6 Process management Uses a RT Global Scheduler
implements priority inheritance and priority tracking Applies a uniform global priorities management Kernel threads may utilize 1/2 priority steps

7 Scheduling policy SCHED_FIFO (first-in, first-out)
SCHED_RR (round robin) SCHED_OTHER (Priority based quantum )

8 Memory management Conventional UNIX protections exist between application threads of different processes exploits very well hardware memory management unit (MMU) from processor

9 MMU design

10 Networking support Supported protocols: TCP, UDP, ICMP, IGMP, ARP, RARP, DHCP, NAT, RPC, NTPv3 Network facilities supported are: DHCP, NTP, XNTP, OpenSSL, NFS, Samba Network device support: Gigabit Ethernet, 100baseT interfaces

11 Successful stories USPS has counted on Scio system and LynxOS to sort the country’s mail for more than 10 years ICI’s IDM (improved data modem) used by U.S Army and Air Force to communicate each other


13 Conclusion LynxOS is the superior foundation for sophisticated real-time systems Open API Full POSIX conformance True Linux compatibility

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