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GCSE French Vocabulary

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Presentation on theme: "GCSE French Vocabulary"— Presentation transcript:

1 GCSE French Vocabulary
(2005) Autumn term – (brand new) pp2 Higher Tier

2 There are about 30 vocabulary slides in this presentation.
Run through them a couple of times saying each vocab item out loud to yourself. Then use the PowerPoint again to test yourself. When you feel confident that you know them all, complete the online test.

3 maintenant [man-tuh-noh]

4 la bataille [la bat-ty]
the battle/fight

5 profiter [prof-fee-tay]
take advantage of

6 entendre [on-ton-druh]
to hear

7 froid [fwa] cold

8 constamment [cons-stam-mohn]

9 trop [trow] too

10 vieux [vee-yuh] old

11 meilleur [may-yuur] best

12 une glace [oon glass] an ice cream

13 l’ombre [lomb-ruh] the shade

14 nager [na-sjay] to swim

15 tomber [tom-bay] to fall

16 les personnes âgées [lay pair-sonz aj-jay]
old people

17 un pays [uhn pay-yee] a country

18 cent [sohn] a hundred

19 mille [meel] thousand

20 nombreux [nom-bruh] numerous

21 célèbre [say-leb-ruh]

22 né [nay] born

23 le monde entier [luh mond on-tee-yay]
the whole world

24 apprécier [ap-pray-see-yay]

25 un endroit [uhn on-dwa]
a place

26 agréable [ag-gray-yarb-luh]

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