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Next lesson: key terms test from attachment – revise key terms

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Presentation on theme: "Next lesson: key terms test from attachment – revise key terms"— Presentation transcript:

1 Next lesson: key terms test from attachment – revise key terms
Interactional synchrony Reciprocity Innate Imprinting Generalisability Longitudinal study Critical (sensitive) period Monotropy Internal working model Social releasers Classical conditioning Operant conditioning Positive reinforcement

2 Re-cap memory!

3 All sensory experience (unlimited)
Model Capacity Duration Encoding Sensory register All sensory experience (unlimited) ½ second Modality specific Short term memory 7 +/- 2 items 18-30 seconds Mainly acoustic Long term memory Unlimited Mainly semantic

4 Sort the cards into the research studies from the MSM


6 Back to research methods!
What do I need to know about observational research? Types of observation & evaluation of each one How to carry out an observational study

7 Card teaching task & working in groups to define the terms!

8 Work together to write a definition for each
Naturalistic Controlled Covert Overt Participant observation Non-participant observation Unstructured Structured Event sampling Time sampling

9 Evaluating Observations
Internal Validity Reliability What type of observations might mean you are not really measuring what you intended? What type of observations could we be more confident we are measuring what we intended? What could a researcher do to increase validity? What type of observations will often be unreliable? Why? We could increase reliability by having two or more observers, why would this improve reliability? What would they need to do? Ecological validity Demand characteristics What type of observations will be high in E.V. ? What type of observations will be in low E.V.? Will partipants guess the aim of your observation & change their behaviour? Why is it more or less likely with this type?

10 Naturalistic Controlled

11 Covert Overt

12 Participant Non-participant observation

13 Unstructured Structured

14 Event sampling Time sampling


16 Homework Complete revision notes on topic areas from this term (list on sheet) Complete three PEEL plans for three essays – one of these will be your timed assessment after christmas!

17 Attachment types: sort the cards

18 Moderate Stranger Anxiety
High Stranger Anxiety (sometimes responds to stranger a little) Low Stranger Anxiety Won’t explore Will explore (not looking at attachment figure) Will explore (looking to attachment figure as a base) Moderate Separation anxiety High Separation anxiety No separation anxiety When reunited: may go to caregiver and then reject them, will not be calmed down. When reunited: responds enthusiastically to caregiver and is easily calmed. When reunited: does not seek proximity to caregiver. Mixed responsiveness, sometimes sensitive and sometimes not. Unresponsive to baby’s needs (particularly crying) Sensitive responsiveness from attachment figure

19 Application? What did we say about changing insecure attachments?

20 Attachment terms test 10 minutes Define each term

21 Check (tick for each one) and improve
Attachment An emotional bond between two people that endures overtime Interactional synchrony Caregiver and infant reflect or mirror the other - imitating Reciprocity Caregiver and infant communicate with each other and respond to each others signals, turn-taking: ‘dance between mother and baby’ Brazelton Innate In born Imprinting An innate tendency to form an attachment Generalisability The extent to which findings can be applied beyond the research setting Longitudinal study A study that takes place over a long period of time Critical (sensitive) period The time during which attachments must be formed e.g. 2 years Monotropy Bowlby’s view that a child forms a special relationship to one person Internal working model Mental representations of our attachment to our primary caregiver Social releasers A behaviour that brings about a care giving response e.g. crying, smiling Classical conditioning Learning by association Operant conditioning Learning by consequences Positive reinforcement A reward, something that increases the likelihood of a behaviour being repeated e.g. food

22 What type of observation is each scenario?
Naturalistic or Controlled Covert or Overt Participant observation or Non-participant observation Unstructured or Structured Event sampling or Time sampling

23 Evaluating observation types

24 Ecologically Valid? Reliable? Ethical?
Unstructured Structured Participant Non-participant observation


26 Homework Reminder Complete revision notes on topic areas from this term (list on sheet) Complete three PEEL plans for three essays – one of these will be your timed assessment after Christmas!

27 Evaluating observation types

28 Ecologically Valid? Reliable? Ethical?
Unstructured Structured Event sampling Time sampling

29 Why use these techniques? Advantages/ disadvantages?
Event sampling Time sampling

30 What do these mean? Why do we have these/this in observational research?
Behavioural categories: (also known as behavioural checklist) A list of target behaviours which are precisely defined and made measurable/observable Inter-rater (observer) reliability: Two or more observers watch same behaviour/people and check their results afterwards for consistency. (minimum 80% consistency to be reliable)

31 Kahoot!

32 Design, conduct and analyse the data from an observation
Observing gender differences in social behaviour 2-3 people Inter-rater reliability= Be clear – who are you going to observe? How? Be sure you are both going to do this in the same way. Design a checklist of behavioural categories = maximum of six categories! Behaviour Boys Girls

33 On the back: what type of observation did you do?
What did you find? Total positive for girls Total negative for girls Total positive for boys Total negative for boys Draw a graph On the back: what type of observation did you do? Naturalistic/Controlled? Covert/ Overt? Participant observation/ Non-participant observation ? Unstructured/ Structured? Event sampling/ Time sampling? Strengths and weaknesses of your observation?

34 Analysing your results
 Behaviour Boys Girls Totals  Behaviour Boys Girls Totals Behaviour Boys Girls Totals Draw a bar chart with appropriate labels Title= with IV and DV clearly described DV clearly described On the back: what type of observation did you do? Naturalistic/Controlled? Covert/ Overt? Participant observation/ Non-participant observation ? Unstructured/ Structured? Event sampling/ Time sampling? Strengths and weaknesses of your observation? label label label label label label IV clearly described

35 Lesson 3

36 Ecologically Valid? Reliable? Ethical?
Unstructured Structured Event sampling Time sampling

37 Why use these techniques? Advantages/ disadvantages?
Event sampling Time sampling

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