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International HRM: Tutor:. Russell Warhurst. Associate Professor

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1 International HRM: 2015. Tutor:. Russell Warhurst. Associate Professor
International HRM: Tutor: Russell Warhurst Associate Professor Newcastle Business School, UK





6 Course Aims, Content and Assessment
To understand the nature of people management and its contribution to the performance of internationally active organisations (MNEs, IJVs, SMEs and NGOs) To develop an appreciation of the HR profession and to develop the knowledge and capabilities of HR practitioners and policy makers in the areas of international resourcing, development, reward and relations. To work productively with the tension between international centralisation & standardisation and localisation & differentiation To develop your international management and leadership skills through working with course peers Learning outcomes and objectives: Please refer to the syllabus document Assessment:

7 Scope of the course Strategic HRM
Understanding and cultivating the contribution of HRM to corporate success International HRM Leading and managing people for performance within trans-national organisations Cross-cultural management Understanding contrasting approaches to leading and managing people from diverse cultures Comparative HRM Understanding contrasting approaches to people management policies and practices

8 Challenge of the course: contrasting perspectives
Functionalist or managerialist perspectives on HRM Aim: how to “do” people management efficiently Focus on enhancing performance and delivery for the benefit of certain stakeholders such as: customers, shareholders and managers Critical or radical perspectives on HRM Aim: to “understand” people management to then do people management effectively and humanely Focus on justice, diversity, fairness for the benefit of certain stakeholders such as: employees, contributing firms /workers, local communities

9 Required Reading Supporting Reading

10 Additional reading … the latest knowledge from the latest journals

11 Warm-up and introductions
Form a line in order of your birthdays from 1/1 to 31/12 … Without speaking

12 Warm-up and introductions
Form coherent groups (of no more than 5 people) according to your experience of employment / work With speaking What are the lessons from these two exercises for studying HRM?

13 Why International HRM? Why is there a growing need for corporate managers, leaders and entrepreneurs to understand and develop capabilities in International HRM … even those managers and leaders involved in running activities delivering purely local services such as city-council managers? What skills are needed for working internationally and for managing people (HRM) internationally?

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