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“Engaging Private Companies in ACEs”- Breakout Session

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1 “Engaging Private Companies in ACEs”- Breakout Session
Networking with Private Partners– Health Cluster Thursday, October 19, 2017

2 Discussion by Health Cluster
The discussion focused on practical aspects/arrangements that concern private sector/industry partners & universities partnerships that can deepen collaborations between the two Deliberations are summarized as major: Health and Safety Concerns Observations Questions Way forward

3 Health and Safety Concerns
That health is a very sensitive issue and therefore needs thorough safety evaluation (safety testing facilities), to be put in place to safeguard against risks Need to ensure quality of raw materials especially for plant-based formulations of medicines is guaranteed Issue of privacy and secrecy: do the ACEs have adequate protection of their project ideas so that the ideas are not stolen by the outside world? However, good news is- in some countries e.g. Uganda, National Bureau of Standards (UNBS) is already working with private sector in ensuring safety and quality of products. A number of certified laboratories that can do safety and quality testing on regular basis.

4 Health and Safety Concerns….
Very weak industrial base in Africa which focus on Health Products Development Generally, very weak linkages between universities and private sector interested in developing health-related products Therefore Need to help ACEs in Health sub-sector to link with the industries in the outside world, e.g. Asia, Europe or America

5 Observations Most industries in Africa do not invest in R&D and are not innovate enough. They just copy formulas and produce products that do not stand test of time Such industries are easily outcompeted by their peers from other continents Universities seem to engage their academic staff involved in research and product development in teaching on full time basis However, it would be good to give incentives to staff involved in research and product development/innovations by e.g. reducing their teaching load.

6 Observations….. Also it appears universities and private sector seem to have different focus; e.g. universities focus on delivery of fixed curriculum to completion, while the private sector/industries put emphasis on profit making Yet the two need each other and have to work together for effective collaboration Therefore need for deliberate effort to bridge this gap

7 Questions What will be the straight forward benefit of collaboration between private sector/industry with the ACEs/universities? This question needs to be addressed in concrete terms in order to promote trust and sustainability in collaboration What is the quality of graduates produced by the ACEs/universities? Are they practical-oriented with hands-on experience? Can universities build “mini labs” for their students to develop hands- on experience and skills and build confidence? However, we need the private sector involved in training of the students by way of providing internship placement in order to produce relevant graduates.

8 Questions….. To what extent can we link up with other initiatives e.g. African Union initiative on plant-based formulation of medicines as well as use of biological kits? How do we handle intellectual property rights in order not to lose our ideas to others? Therefore need to patent all research initiatives/products How flexible are universities to allow students to pursue research in the field of their interest? Is it possible for universities to employ scientists whose job it is to concentrate on research only? This will be an incentive to the staff and thefore increases productivity and efficiency Can the African governments promote buying from local industries? E.g. Buy Uganda Build Uganda Policy.

9 Suggested Way forward It would be good in collaborating with private sector/industry; universities take the role and responsibility of championing R&D of the industries. Private sector/industry need to identify their research needs and universities take over the R&D e.g. assign MSc/PhD students to focus on addressing such needs However, the private sector fears the inefficiency inherent with the university bureaucracies (delays), thefore need to address this inefficiency There is need for cost sharing arrangement between universities and private sector/industry during industrial placement. Universities need to pay some money to industries/private sector to cover inherent cost of training interns.

10 Group Discussion – Health Cluster (Team)
Dr. Milton Mutto (Facilitator/Private Sector) Health Cluster Team (Universities/Private Sector) Dr. Casim Umba Tolo (Rapporteur/Center Leader)

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