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Roald Dahl.

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Presentation on theme: "Roald Dahl."— Presentation transcript:

1 Roald Dahl

2 Where he was born Roald Dahl was born in Cardiff on September 13th 1916

3 What books did he write Roald dahl wrote lots of books here are a few examples that I know and you might know to Matilda, The twits , Charlie and the chocolate factory , the BFG and James and the giant peach

4 Most of his stories were wrote in he shed
Facts about Roald dahl Roald dahl created about 250 new words here are some gobblefunk umpalumpa snozzberry biffsqiggle zozimus huggybee TRUE my mum went to school with 1 of his family members James and the giant peach was actually be named James and the giant berry One of roald dahls family members was the naughtiest in her and my mums school Most of his stories were wrote in he shed Roald dahl was one of the greatest story teller for kids during the 20th century

5 Pictures of Roald dahl through the years and his gravestone

6 His age when he sadly passed away
Roald dahl was 74 when he died due to a blood disease

7 My favourite Roald dahl books are…
Matilda the BFG Charlie and the chocolate factory James and the giant peach and the twits

8 I hope you liked it I did this power point all by myself with a tiny bit of help from my big sister Hannah but the rest was my self

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