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Comparison: Japanese and Thai Education

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1 Comparison: Japanese and Thai Education
In this term-paper I worked on the “comparison Japanese and Thai Education”. Japanese Culture and Society

2 Objectives Similarities and differences 2. Factor influencing
Comparison: Japanese and Thai Education Objectives Similarities and differences 2. Factor influencing 3. Major problems at the last century Along with my research, there are 3 objective that I would like to mentions. One is the similarities and differences between the Japanese and Thai education. Two is the factor that influence to the two education. And the last one is the major problems at the last century in terms of education aspect. Japanese Culture and Society

3 Objectives Japan Thailand Model 6-3-3-4 Elementary School High School
Comparison: Japanese and Thai Education Objectives Japan Thailand Model Elementary School High School Higher Education Primary School Secondary School Similarities and differences 2. Factor influencing 3. Major problems at the last century In terms of education system, there are not big differences between two countries. As you still remember, Japanese education system is model and has 3 levels. First is elementary school. Second is High school. And the third one is higher education. It is exactly the same. Thai education system is similar to Japanese system. In that Thailand also has 3 levels. Japanese Culture and Society

4 Similarities and differences
Comparison: Japanese and Thai Education Similarities and differences Shadow Education (Cram Schools) The entrance exam system As you see that picture, cram school also are booming in Thailand. Although, I could not find the information about cram school in Thailand, I have an experience about that when I was high school student. In the third and six grade of high school, we have to take an extra-classes and also enroll in advancement cram schools that are directed at preparing for the entrance exams. There are many test books for us to practice many and many time. In the two system, the major academic issues raised by teachers, parents, and students centered around the role that the entrance exams also play in Thai schooling. This system, I mean, this entrance exam system has created too much pressure on not only students but also teachers. “Too much pressure on students and teachers” Japanese Culture and Society

5 Objectives Similarities and differences Education Budget
Comparison: Japanese and Thai Education Objectives Similarities and differences Education Budget 2. Factor influencing Business Investment 3. Major problems at the last century Next, I am talking about the factor that influence Japanese and Thai education. In this issue, there are two point that I would like to mention are Education Budget, and Business Investment of both countries. Japanese Culture and Society

6 FY 2002 Budget of Education 2. Factor influencing Thailand Japan
Comparison: Japanese and Thai Education 2. Factor influencing FY 2002 Budget of Education Thailand Japan Along with the education budget of Japan and Thailand, you will see the government in Thailand spend the budget percentage more than Japan. Japanese Culture and Society

7 Comparison Japanese and Thai
Comparison: Japanese and Thai Education 2. Factor influencing Comparison Japanese and Thai Education Budget Japan Thailand % 8% 21% 5,198.77 54,736.92 Value ($) (Million) But, when you take a closer look at the value of that budget. You will see that Japanese education has more value budget than Thai around ten times. That mean, the Japanese government invests the money to one student more than Thai government does. 62 127 Population (Million) 84 430 $ / 1 person Japanese Culture and Society

8 Business Investment 2. Factor influencing Thailand Japan
Comparison: Japanese and Thai Education 2. Factor influencing Business Investment Thailand Japan Foreign Investors (Cheap Labor) Own Technologies Next point is the business investment. As Thailand is cheap labor, that is the main attraction for foreign investors. In the contrast, Japan that own the technologies. So, Japanese students have had quite more technical knowledge than Thai students. Technical Knowledge Basic Knowledge Japanese Culture and Society

9 Objectives Similarities and differences 2. Factor influencing
Comparison: Japanese and Thai Education Objectives Japanese Education Problem from family and social change (working women) Increasing demand of education for non-Japanese Similarities and differences 2. Factor influencing 3. Major problems at the last century The last objective, I am going to talk about the major problems at the last century of Japan and Thailand. First I would like to start at the Japanese education. There are two majors that are very interesting. One is the…………. School education will be expected to cope with this problem. Two is the……… This is a new problem for Japanese education Japanese Culture and Society

10 3. Major problems at the last century
Comparison: Japanese and Thai Education 3. Major problems at the last century Thai Education An efficient labor force for business / industrial sectors Distribution of education In terms of Thai education, I also would like to mention two major problems. One is an efficient labor force for business / industrial sectors. Thai education system will be faced with the rising of this demand. The second one is the distribution of education to the other provinces that should be very interesting for Thai education. Japanese Culture and Society

11 Conclusion Japanese and Thai education system seem to be the same
Comparison: Japanese and Thai Education Conclusion Japanese and Thai education system seem to be the same Economic Condition makes the differences in terms of education aspect. Finally, I would like to conclude my research. From the surface, Japanese and Thai education system seem to be the same. But, if you explore in-depth, there are same details that are different. In terms of education standard, Thailand is ahead only of Indonesia and Vietnam. But Japan is way ahead of Thailand many ranks. The second part, along with economic condition, that can make the differences between two countries in terms of education aspect. Japanese Culture and Society

12 Sa-Wat-Dee Thank you Comparison: Japanese and Thai Education
Japanese Culture and Society

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