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Effective Oral Advocacy

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2 Effective Oral Advocacy
The First Year Torts Moot Professor Janine Benedet January, 2017

3 Components of Advocacy
Written Argument – the factum Court gets it in advance Clerks digest it and do further research Court can refer to it when they reserve to consider their decision Oral Argument Answer questions Focus in on what is important Support the open court principle

4 How to Prepare Create a Roadmap for the Court
Identify your arguments under each issue Strongest argument first Digest the cases Be organized – index cards, binder Draft a conclusion – are you first or second counsel? DO NOT write or memorize a speech!!!

5 Preparation requires practice
Alone and with an audience Time yourself Write down the questions your partner is getting and work on better answers Experiment with order and wording to streamline your argument

6 Delivering your Submissions (Formalities)
Dress appropriately Read the BCCA Practice direction: Stand when judges enter First counsel stands, introduces both counsel, stand when your name is read In BC, address the court as “My lords” “My ladies” Opposing counsel is “my friend”

7 Delivering your Submissions (Substance)
Help the court follow along in your factum Tell the court what you want them to find Think about point first speaking Refer to the case by the name of the parties and the court and date if necessary Avoid lengthy quotes but use the exact language in the case

8 Delivering Submissions (Style)
Go slowly Vary your cadence, volume, sentence length Maintain eye contact Avoid distracting movements

9 Answering Questions Tough questions don’t mean you have lost
Not every question is a trap Not every question needs a lengthy answer Be wary of hypotheticals Ask for clarification if you need to Don’t ask if you’ve answered the question

10 Problematic Questions
Question takes you out of order Question is for your co-counsel Question is stupid

11 Common disasters and how to deal with them
Error in your factum Not knowing the answer Running out of time

12 Finding your authentic style


14 Law School Entrance Requirement, c. 1825
“a general knowledge of English, Grecian and Roman history, a becoming acquaintance with some of the selected prose works of the ancients. . . and it is also expected that the student will show the Society that he has some reasonable portion of mathematical instruction.” Bucknall et al. at , quoting from the Law Society Journal, July 1, 1825.

15 Clara Brett Martin Delos Davis

16 The first UBC Law School

17 George Curtis, Founding Dean

18 Margaret Gee, Class of ‘53


20 Law School Courses “Public” law – Criminal, Constitutional regulatory state – Public Law and Administrative Law “Private” law – Torts, Contracts, Property Business Organizations Public and Private - Transnational Law Theories of law and justice – Jurisprudence Legal Ethics Legal Research and Writing; Upper year seminar requirement

Be candid; don’t cheat or engage in sharp practice LOYALTY Keep confidences; put the client first CIVILITY Treat others with courtesy and respect SERVICE Promote access to justice and assist those in need INTEGRITY Keep your promises; promote respect for the rule of law

22 Lady Justice

23 Patricia Proudfoot, Class of ‘52


25 BC Code of Conduct for Lawyers
3.2-7  A lawyer must not engage in any activity that the lawyer knows or ought to know assists in or encourages any dishonesty, crime or fraud. 

26 BC Code of Conduct Rule 3.2-7(4)
A bona fide test case is not necessarily precluded by this rule and, so long as no injury to a person or violence is involved, a lawyer may properly advise and represent a client who, in good faith and on reasonable grounds, desires to challenge or test a law and the test can most effectively be made by means of a technical breach giving rise to a test case. In all situations, the lawyer should ensure that the client appreciates the consequences of bringing a test case.

27 Alfred Scow, Class of 1961


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