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Week 6 Vocabulary Review

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1 Week 6 Vocabulary Review
Words to know

2 Monday, September 26th Write the words and definitions.
recidivism- n. the tendency to relapse into a previous undesirable type of behavior, especially crime extemporaneous- adj.- done unrehearsed avail- v. make use of something throng- n.- a large gathering of people menacing- adj. posing a threatening quality

3 Tuesday, September 27th Write the words and definitions.
phony- adj. fake or misleading composure- n. the sate of steadiness of mind under stress reimburse-v. the act of paying a debt exposure- n. the contact persecute- v. to cause suffering or pain

4 Wednesday, September 28th Write the complete sentence and fill in the correct vocabulary word.
Unfortunately, his ___________________________ speeches were really bad and offensive; he began losing votes. We are practicing vocabulary to _____________________ in more intelligent writing; the better our words, the better our writing. The likelihood of ______________________ increases when convicts do not change their ways; it is a sad cycle.

5 Thursday, September 29th Write the complete sentence and fill in the correct vocabulary word.
My sister took ten dollars out of my wallet, and now she needs to _______________________________ me. My __________________________________ to poetry has cause me to start to rhyme all of the time. It is unfair to ____________________________________ everyone for the actions of one.

6 Friday, September 30th Write the word and one synonym for it.
extemporaneous- avail- throng- menacing- phony-

7 Semicolon-Copy the sentences and add a semicolon where appropriate.
He slept through his alarm luckily his first class was cancelled. I didn't study for the test I didn't have my notes having left them in the classroom. At Halloween we gave out Reese's, Snickers, and Crunch bars, gumballs, caramels, and taffy, and apples and candy corn. I like going fishing I don’t like putting worms on hooks! Exercising helps to keep you healthy and fit proper nutrition is also important.

8 Gerund- for each sentence, identify the underlined word as a verb or gerund.
I went running last night. I really enjoy running. Swimming is good exercise. The two kids were swimming in the creek. Many people find that they can beat stress by walking. The boy was walking on the curb when he tripped and broke his ankle.

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