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Lesson 3: Three Levels of Government

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1 Lesson 3: Three Levels of Government

2 Three Levels of Government
Canada is a very large country with lots of people and different needs and interests. In order to support the needs of citizens, the Canadian government is structured into a three level system: federal, provincial, and municipal. Each level has its own arrangement of electedrepresentatives, as well as a unique set of responsibilities totake care of different matters. C-I-V-I-X

3 Federal The elected representative at the federal level is called a Member of Parliament  (MP). There are 308 elected MPs who debate and pass laws in the House of Commons in Ottawa. The leader of the government is called the prime minister. The Queen is represented by the governor general. C-I-V-I-X

4 Provincial The elected representative at the provincial level is called a Member of Provincial Parliament (MPP). There are 85 elected MPPs that debate and pass laws in the BC Legislative Assembly in Victoria. The leader of the government is called the premier. The Queen is represented by the lieutenant governor C-I-V-I-X

5 Municipal The elected representative at the municipal level is called a council member (councillor or alderman). The head of the council is called a mayor or reeve. The size of the council differs from city to town. Councillors debate and pass legislation in the council chambers (city or town hall/municipal office). C-I-V-I-X

6 Division of Government Responsibilities
Federal: Armed forces, trade with other countries, money, health and safety, immigration and citizenship. Provincial:  Health care, education, welfare, transportation within the province, energy and the environment. Municipal:  Waste management, water and sewer, policingand protection, community centres and libraries C-I-V-I-X

7 Final Thoughts How does government affect your life?
Why is it important to know who is your local elected representative? C-I-V-I-X

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