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Best Racket.

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Presentation on theme: "Best Racket."— Presentation transcript:

1 Best Racket

2 Materials

3 Make a loop 7 to 8 inches in diameter in the middle of the wire, twist the wire to close the loop.

4 Straighten both ends of the wire not in the loop.

5 Create small hook to attach handle to loop.

6 Bend the loop over the straightened wire.

7 Bend the straightened wire to create the handle, extra wire can be looped thru circle and back to handle.

8 Handle complete, note how the small hook is attached and the extra length looped over.

9 Wrap the space between the twist and the handle attachment with tape
Wrap the space between the twist and the handle attachment with tape. Wrap multiple times to create a spacer.

10 Wrap all parts of the handle to protect from sharp edges.

11 Insert the entire racquet into the hosiery, pull tight, tie off and cut off extra.

12 Wrap tape around handle to complete project.


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