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Early Intervention and Prevention Community Support for Vulnerable People and Carers Provider Events 2016.

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Presentation on theme: "Early Intervention and Prevention Community Support for Vulnerable People and Carers Provider Events 2016."— Presentation transcript:

1 Early Intervention and Prevention Community Support for Vulnerable People and Carers
Provider Events 2016

2 Strategic Direction Care Act 2014 Wirral’s 2020 Pledges
Older People Living Well People with disabilities living independent lives Wirral’s Strategy for Carers 2014 – 2017 All Age Disability Strategy National Carers Strategy – Call for Evidence Consultation closes 31st July 2016

3 Care Act 2014 What the Care Act tells us about our responsibilities:
Wellbeing Principle Duty - In determining the needs of the Carer regards must be paid to the Welfare Principle, which would take into account not only the need for the Carer for a break, but also their physical, emotional, psychological wellbeing as well as their social and economic wellbeing. This could include information and advice, universal and preventative services. Information and Advice Duty – An essential, ongoing requirement to provide information and advice for Carers. Prevention Duty – A requirement to develop an approach to prevention for Carers. This may include working in partnership with statutory partners: health, housing and children’s services. Personalised approach - a focus on helping Carers achieve their own goals and life aspirations. It should encourage people to take control which promotes resilience, self-reliance and independence. Strengths-based approach – consider the individual person’s strengths and capability as well as any support which may be available from their wider network and in their community. Consider whether such networks have the capacity to continue to meet the adult’s needs on a regular basis. Fluctuating needs – consider how a Carer’s needs may change over a given time to gain a complete picture of those needs. Proportional and appropriate – an assessment needs to go as far as is necessary to establish a complete picture of the person’s needs. It must be carried out in a manner that has regard to the person’s wishes, preferences and outcomes, the complexity of the person’s needs and any potential fluctuations of those needs.

4 Setting the Scene Early Intervention and Prevention services were re-commissioned in 2014 Day Services General Support Info & Advice - Moving to form part of the New Info & Advice Commission General Advocacy – Moving to form part of the New Advocacy Hub Commission

5 Services Requested by Users
Support4All Advice4All

6 Activity Type – Wellbeing4All

7 Carers Health & Wellbeing Commissioned in 2015
Carers Practical Support Carers Grant Carers Flexible Breaks Short Break beds (Respite) Early Onset Dementia Day Care

8 Carers Health and Wellbeing Service
Carers Consultation 2014 What we commissioned 2015: Carers emotional support or counselling Daytime activities for the person you care for Each of the following scored the same: Information and advice Care support in the home for the person you care for Carers support groups Short breaks for the person you care for away from the home Carers training Activities for Carers Carers Practical Support Carers training and Carer awareness training for professionals Identification of new Carers Carers Grant £100, or £200 in exceptional circumstances Daytime activities for people with Early On-set Dementia Care at Home and Outreach Service For eligible Carers to provide flexible planned and unplanned breaks Residential short break beds

9 Carers Grant

10 Emerging Themes from Carers and Service Users
From Carer and service user events: Working Carers – flexibility of support Contingency planning Support at first point of diagnosis/ appropriate information Respite / extended hours for day care Training for Carers Practical support – ‘odd job’ orientated support Activities to do together Development of Time Banking initiatives Complicated Carers Grant process GP’s & Hospital staff – Carers identification, involvement and appointments Confusion around assessment process/ Carers Assessment Benefits advice / confusion between DASS & DWP Direct Payment issues!

11 Our Thoughts for the Future 1 Key Outcomes for Individuals and Carers
Improving health & wellbeing Preventing, reducing or delaying needs Encouraging self-help and access to community based services Reducing isolation & loneliness Improved understanding of Carers in Wirral Facilitated planned respite

12 Our Thoughts for the Future 2
Information & Advice Commission August 2016 Advocacy Hub Commission July 2016 Non-Therapeutic Interventions Commission Summer 2016 Community Connectors Commission Summer 2016 Early Intervention & Prevention Community Support for Vulnerable People and Carers September 2016

13 Our Thoughts for the Future 3
Early Intervention & Prevention Community Support for Vulnerable People and Carers Direct Access Services to DASS Assessed Services Including: Carers Practical Support Carers Information & Advice Carer Connectors Carers Grant Including: Community Connectors linked to ICCH’s Services/activities that encourage interaction, reduce isolation and help keep people independent Including: Frail older people Dementia Early On-Set Dementia Stroke Active Day Care Including: Residential Residential EMI Nursing Carers Health & Wellbeing General Support Daytime Care Short Break Beds Carers Flexible Breaks

14 Service User and Carer consultations June 2016
Timescales Service User and Carer consultations June 2016 Team & Provider consultation June/ July 2016 Out to tender September 2016 New services awarded December 2016 Transition period January – March 2017 New arrangements in place April 2017

15 Commissioning Information
Contract Length 3 Years option 70% Quality/30% Price split Total Budget approx. £1,547m Carers Health & Wellbeing approx. £447k General Support approx. £300k Daytime Care approx. £520k Short Breaks Beds approx. £280k

16 The NW Procurement Chest
E-tendering portal run by Due North Technical queries:

17 Provider Views What are your views on the commissioning model? Lead Provider/Consortium/Alliance How can Providers work together to achieve the outcomes? How can you help individuals and Carers to find their strengths and assets? What works well for Carers and individuals to achieve the outcomes listed? What doesn’t work well for Carers and individuals when providing services? Can you rank the current services in order of importance?

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