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Chapter 13: Urban Patterns

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1 Chapter 13: Urban Patterns
Key Issue 1: Why do Services Cluster Downtown?

2 Objectives: Students will be able to define the CBD and identify what is and is not located in the CBD. Students will be able to identify what is a Food Desert and how it impacts the poor.

3 What is the CBD? Central Business District Compact <1% of land area
Easiest part of city to reach Oldest Traditionally near a body of water

4 Services in the CBD Public Services: city hall, libraries, churches, sports facilities, convention centers Business Services: Those that depend on proximity to professional colleagues Those that need face-to-face contact Those that employ workers from a variety of neighborhoods

5 Services in the CBD Consumer Services Retailers with high thresholds
Retailers with high range Retailers serving downtown workers

6 Activities Excluded from CBD
Industry Residential Why?

7 Competition for Land in CBD
High Land Values Vertical Cities Underground: garages, pipes, telephone/electric line, subways Skyscrapers Apartments Create unique cultural landscapes for world cities Exception to the Rule: Washington DC – no building is allowed to be higher than US Capitol Dome Offices Retail


9 Analyze the following maps
Analyze the following maps. Write one sentence that explains the connection between all 4 maps.

10 What is a Food Desert? Area in a developed country where healthy food is difficult to obtain. An area is considered a food desert if it meets all 4 of these criteria The distance to the nearest supermarket is more than ¼ mile. The median household income was at or below 185% of the federal poverty level. At least 40% of the area’s household do not have motor vehicles The average Healthy Food Availability Index score was low for nearby supermarkets and convenience stores.

11 Combatting Food Deserts
Brainstorm a list of 5 ways urban areas can combat food deserts

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