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Situation: A school district is currently lacking any teacher-led professional development or conversation. Some teachers have expressed an interest in.

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Presentation on theme: "Situation: A school district is currently lacking any teacher-led professional development or conversation. Some teachers have expressed an interest in."— Presentation transcript:

1 Situation: A school district is currently lacking any teacher-led professional development or conversation. Some teachers have expressed an interest in professional learning communities, but there is currently no time available in the schedule nor has anyone volunteered to organize anything.

2 Possible Solution: Start with a voluntary BOOK GROUP

3 Organizer: Curriculum Coordinator STEPS:
Choose Theme For The Year (or, preferably, offer possibilities and ask participants to vote on them) Invite ALL K-12 teachers (and administrators?) to participate. Groups can be fluid and flexible. Create a wiki or page off of the school website for teachers to view the books selected, the dates of discussion, the necessary forms, and the book group graphic organizer. Ask interested members to return the participation form.

4 Read the books!

5 Talk the talk!

6 Be the CHANGE!

7 During the discussion -Use graphic Organizer to drive conversation -focus in on “Most Powerful Concepts” and “Things Worth Trying”

8 Set personal and possible group goals
Set personal and possible group goals. Determine ways to collect data and chart growth. Share progress throughout the next months, informally, and at the beginning of the next meeting.

9 References: Dufour R., Eaker R. Professional Learning Communities at Work: Best Practices for Enhancing Student Achievement. IN: Solution Tree Press, 1998. Hoerr, T. The Art of School Leadership. ASCD, 2005. Schmoker, Mishael J. R. Results Now. VA: ASCD, 2006. Zepeda, Sally.Instructional Supervision. NY: Eye on Education, 2007. All flash images courtesy

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